SSI Recipients by State and County, 2012


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2012
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Tennessee 47 182,971 12,750 170,221 25,679 125,129 32,163 65,219 99,866
Anderson 47001 2,393 95 2,298 263 1,741 389 856 1,240
Bedford 47003 1,073 63 1,010 173 755 145 362 607
Benton 47005 585 37 548 45 432 108 225 325
Bledsoe 47007 478 52 426 37 328 113 180 260
Blount 47009 2,826 162 2,664 347 2,004 475 1,061 1,527
Bradley 47011 2,670 180 2,490 275 1,982 413 1,023 1,364
Campbell 47013 2,779 121 2,658 219 2,047 513 993 1,468
Cannon 47015 444 34 410 45 319 80 181 265
Carroll 47017 971 51 920 110 687 174 375 524
Carter 47019 2,323 169 2,154 231 1,620 472 922 1,171
Cheatham 47021 693 42 651 112 479 102 225 396
Chester 47023 470 33 437 52 330 88 184 258
Claiborne 47025 2,019 127 1,892 156 1,397 466 782 1,051
Clay 47027 379 44 335 17 249 113 186 184
Cocke 47029 2,097 162 1,935 175 1,464 458 870 1,121
Coffee 47031 1,573 83 1,490 223 1,109 241 638 795
Crockett 47033 451 47 404 58 281 112 197 237
Cumberland 47035 1,757 122 1,635 177 1,228 352 770 915
Davidson 47037 15,217 1,259 13,958 2,610 10,189 2,418 4,498 8,959
Decatur 47039 452 38 414 50 304 98 177 267
DeKalb 47041 683 53 630 59 496 128 283 383
Dickson 47043 1,149 62 1,087 165 812 172 406 650
Dyer 47045 1,595 77 1,518 249 1,129 217 599 928
Fayette 47047 1,353 135 1,218 164 893 296 504 679
Fentress 47049 1,173 124 1,049 69 791 313 530 590
Franklin 47051 1,039 61 978 155 700 184 398 527
Gibson 47053 1,608 113 1,495 219 1,113 276 631 847
Giles 47055 824 85 739 78 570 176 313 452
Grainger 47057 1,057 92 965 83 722 252 435 535
Greene 47059 2,554 190 2,364 225 1,801 528 1,144 1,274
Grundy 47061 843 81 762 70 563 210 336 416
Hamblen 47063 1,978 117 1,861 267 1,385 326 740 1,091
Hamilton 47065 8,570 661 7,909 1,125 5,975 1,470 2,971 4,624
Hancock 47067 502 74 428 16 311 175 217 242
Hardeman 47069 1,374 96 1,278 185 940 249 488 746
Hardin 47071 1,261 118 1,143 132 832 297 562 641
Hawkins 47073 2,221 149 2,072 170 1,594 457 887 1,174
Haywood 47075 1,046 124 922 146 631 269 446 531
Henderson 47077 898 50 848 129 639 130 327 497
Henry 47079 974 49 925 118 723 133 368 581
Hickman 47081 716 32 684 66 536 114 260 415
Houston 47083 283 27 256 22 198 63 122 159
Humphreys 47085 512 24 488 75 347 90 183 286
Jackson 47087 541 56 485 44 368 129 229 319
Jefferson 47089 1,381 74 1,307 172 964 245 546 716
Johnson 47091 883 97 786 66 579 238 382 430
Knox 47093 9,881 578 9,303 1,113 7,205 1,563 3,409 5,408
Lake 47095 364 29 335 42 232 90 146 170
Lauderdale 47097 1,277 69 1,208 206 862 209 460 722
Lawrence 47099 1,335 89 1,246 138 961 236 540 718
Lewis 47101 365 27 338 35 258 72 151 165
Lincoln 47103 846 87 759 89 562 195 348 423
Loudon 47105 911 56 855 134 615 162 332 490
McMinn 47107 1,817 130 1,687 177 1,289 351 757 948
McNairy 47109 1,155 93 1,062 105 798 252 465 641
Macon 47111 826 69 757 85 558 183 343 415
Madison 47113 3,255 204 3,051 548 2,191 516 1,130 1,866
Marion 47115 1,086 59 1,027 83 775 228 418 544
Marshall 47117 688 43 645 82 497 109 259 381
Maury 47119 1,736 135 1,601 260 1,193 283 630 1,023
Meigs 47121 498 26 472 47 367 84 188 252
Monroe 47123 1,784 182 1,602 181 1,188 415 786 847
Montgomery 47125 3,227 174 3,053 706 2,080 441 1,041 1,801
Moore 47127 79 10 69 12 45 22 35 35
Morgan 47129 881 46 835 65 643 173 315 454
Obion 47131 1,050 73 977 149 729 172 376 535
Overton 47133 817 83 734 74 530 213 366 378
Perry 47135 238 15 223 38 158 42 85 132
Pickett 47137 208 24 184 15 125 68 111 92
Polk 47139 581 54 527 34 420 127 246 272
Putnam 47141 1,945 129 1,816 248 1,355 342 799 1,015
Rhea 47143 1,169 57 1,112 135 819 215 397 602
Roane 47145 1,781 90 1,691 144 1,299 338 680 873
Robertson 47147 1,293 93 1,200 224 839 230 457 752
Rutherford 47149 3,755 315 3,440 747 2,400 608 1,222 2,263
Scott 47151 1,520 61 1,459 119 1,091 310 602 762
Sequatchie 47153 581 47 534 57 401 123 233 295
Sevier 47155 1,953 156 1,797 286 1,332 335 750 1,043
Shelby 47157 33,444 2,083 31,361 7,046 21,396 5,002 9,709 19,225
Smith 47159 523 43 480 56 373 94 230 272
Stewart 47161 448 63 385 58 288 102 184 243
Sullivan 47163 4,849 280 4,569 500 3,514 835 1,856 2,499
Sumner 47165 2,614 210 2,404 431 1,732 451 987 1,464
Tipton 47167 1,631 117 1,514 253 1,078 300 553 904
Trousdale 47169 259 23 236 23 189 47 106 145
Unicoi 47171 660 66 594 55 442 163 316 322
Union 47173 917 34 883 75 670 172 307 498
Van Buren 47175 240 24 216 21 151 68 93 105
Warren 47177 1,583 129 1,454 161 1,129 293 655 858
Washington 47179 3,124 238 2,886 336 2,204 584 1,324 1,568
Wayne 47181 520 36 484 32 386 102 211 288
Weakley 47183 916 54 862 107 661 148 348 466
White 47185 938 74 864 92 677 169 384 488
Williamson 47187 1,047 125 922 166 671 210 300 596
Wilson 47189 1,688 106 1,582 245 1,194 249 567 941
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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