SSI Recipients by State and County, 2013


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2013
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Oregon 41 83,264 8,998 74,266 10,748 55,786 16,730 27,188 46,770
Baker 41001 449 29 420 50 331 68 176 247
Benton 41003 961 65 896 130 704 127 279 568
Clackamas 41005 5,152 677 4,475 650 3,414 1,088 1,584 3,005
Clatsop 41007 774 69 705 73 573 128 283 392
Columbia 41009 957 38 919 140 706 111 285 543
Coos 41011 2,240 139 2,101 235 1,616 389 761 1,202
Crook 41013 452 21 431 45 343 64 173 238
Curry 41015 583 52 531 31 437 115 227 290
Deschutes 41017 2,213 148 2,065 329 1,579 305 746 1,279
Douglas 41019 3,107 187 2,920 303 2,369 435 1,120 1,690
Gilliam 41021 32 (X) (X) (X) 20 (X) 10 15
Grant 41023 167 18 149 20 103 44 77 76
Harney 41025 217 11 206 17 162 38 93 117
Hood River 41027 264 31 233 51 164 49 103 130
Jackson 41029 4,590 387 4,203 630 3,183 777 1,744 2,547
Jefferson 41031 548 29 519 92 368 88 173 336
Josephine 41033 2,623 181 2,442 246 1,972 405 903 1,492
Klamath 41035 1,968 119 1,849 223 1,443 302 702 1,069
Lake 41037 248 19 229 24 179 45 95 135
Lane 41039 8,769 532 8,237 1,003 6,557 1,209 2,962 4,923
Lincoln 41041 1,308 105 1,203 121 976 211 499 702
Linn 41043 3,253 172 3,081 381 2,445 427 1,034 1,932
Malheur 41045 912 83 829 157 569 186 363 489
Marion 41047 7,816 667 7,149 1,911 4,581 1,324 2,347 4,363
Morrow 41049 212 13 199 30 153 29 79 109
Multnomah 41051 20,121 3,262 16,859 1,987 12,532 5,602 6,016 11,514
Polk 41053 1,385 87 1,298 217 973 195 436 754
Sherman 41055 31 0 31 (X) (X) (X) 11 18
Tillamook 41057 508 35 473 57 379 72 174 265
Umatilla 41059 1,693 145 1,548 263 1,101 329 580 975
Union 41061 598 36 562 69 430 99 230 304
Wallowa 41063 156 11 145 12 120 24 65 84
Wasco 41065 644 44 600 74 461 109 255 338
Washington 41067 6,785 1,465 5,320 946 3,761 2,078 2,091 3,760
Wheeler 41069 30 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 10 16
Yamhill 41071 1,498 110 1,388 222 1,038 238 502 852
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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