SSI Recipients by State and County, 2013

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2013
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 118,384 8,607 109,777 20,743 75,845 21,796 40,914 63,097
Abbeville 45001 750 59 691 109 469 172 258 421
Aiken 45003 4,228 255 3,973 780 2,764 684 1,315 2,404
Allendale 45005 642 64 578 98 386 158 232 332
Anderson 45007 4,313 233 4,080 734 2,997 582 1,443 2,272
Bamberg 45009 752 69 683 77 492 183 293 384
Barnwell 45011 1,082 69 1,013 179 684 219 397 574
Beaufort 45013 2,056 165 1,891 387 1,289 380 704 1,115
Berkeley 45015 3,348 227 3,121 635 2,133 580 1,083 1,798
Calhoun 45017 492 55 437 67 298 127 218 243
Charleston 45019 7,654 622 7,032 1,215 4,815 1,624 2,759 3,975
Cherokee 45021 1,668 80 1,588 300 1,121 247 565 896
Chester 45023 1,157 64 1,093 226 746 185 374 665
Chesterfield 45025 1,692 116 1,576 234 1,106 352 620 888
Clarendon 45027 1,738 181 1,557 221 1,040 477 715 882
Colleton 45029 1,771 111 1,660 242 1,162 367 659 880
Darlington 45031 2,995 264 2,731 480 1,879 636 1,069 1,644
Dillon 45033 1,713 131 1,582 249 1,074 390 629 929
Dorchester 45035 2,531 164 2,367 507 1,612 412 810 1,308
Edgefield 45037 677 61 616 93 430 154 257 348
Fairfield 45039 908 94 814 145 551 212 333 467
Florence 45041 5,719 448 5,271 924 3,563 1,232 2,146 2,979
Georgetown 45043 1,675 132 1,543 293 1,034 348 594 866
Greenville 45045 9,149 687 8,462 1,684 6,058 1,407 3,089 4,998
Greenwood 45047 1,838 123 1,715 332 1,206 300 614 995
Hampton 45049 861 63 798 132 538 191 320 429
Horry 45051 5,800 399 5,401 1,028 3,768 1,004 2,136 3,102
Jasper 45053 692 62 630 123 437 132 237 368
Kershaw 45055 1,540 101 1,439 289 988 263 526 840
Lancaster 45057 1,657 95 1,562 344 1,071 242 524 919
Laurens 45059 2,199 115 2,084 406 1,494 299 757 1,142
Lee 45061 1,032 115 917 142 599 291 439 538
Lexington 45063 4,445 254 4,191 903 2,894 648 1,347 2,403
McCormick 45065 315 44 271 39 184 92 126 169
Marion 45067 1,778 166 1,612 292 1,071 415 692 958
Marlboro 45069 1,523 126 1,397 227 960 336 617 827
Newberry 45071 997 66 931 172 655 170 389 517
Oconee 45073 1,514 76 1,438 232 1,040 242 553 768
Orangeburg 45075 4,036 396 3,640 628 2,441 967 1,492 2,129
Pickens 45077 2,134 106 2,028 321 1,532 281 750 1,120
Richland 45079 8,414 519 7,895 1,897 5,165 1,352 2,431 4,585
Saluda 45081 529 30 499 91 344 94 174 298
Spartanburg 45083 7,390 477 6,913 1,303 4,862 1,225 2,427 3,855
Sumter 45085 4,195 398 3,797 718 2,571 906 1,526 2,261
Union 45087 1,028 55 973 170 699 159 342 538
Williamsburg 45089 2,034 223 1,811 259 1,257 518 790 1,018
York 45091 3,723 247 3,476 816 2,366 541 1,143 2,048
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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