SSI Recipients by State and County, 2014


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2014
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Maryland 24 118,184 15,020 103,164 18,741 73,404 26,039 32,111 69,192
Allegany 24001 2,297 110 2,187 294 1,661 342 744 1,364
Anne Arundel 24003 7,457 577 6,880 1,371 4,964 1,122 2,002 4,340
Baltimore 24005 15,718 1,824 13,894 2,668 9,775 3,275 4,049 9,097
Calvert 24009 945 73 872 94 686 165 284 619
Caroline 24011 758 39 719 128 517 113 256 409
Carroll 24013 1,554 103 1,451 211 1,108 235 499 895
Cecil 24015 1,773 88 1,685 309 1,248 216 525 1,034
Charles 24017 2,147 207 1,940 344 1,372 431 616 1,241
Dorchester 24019 1,226 88 1,138 282 749 195 409 666
Frederick 24021 2,193 257 1,936 329 1,439 425 702 1,168
Garrett 24023 623 41 582 48 436 139 246 321
Harford 24025 3,144 224 2,920 553 2,120 471 936 1,835
Howard 24027 3,076 976 2,100 388 1,455 1,233 782 1,716
Kent 24029 360 30 330 44 253 63 152 180
Montgomery 24031 13,918 5,720 8,198 1,378 5,447 7,093 3,707 7,557
Prince George's 24033 13,936 1,887 12,049 2,720 8,282 2,934 3,438 8,042
Queen Anne's 24035 432 43 389 61 287 84 162 208
St. Mary's 24037 1,586 140 1,446 245 1,050 291 469 949
Somerset 24039 826 68 758 166 514 146 294 471
Talbot 24041 547 53 494 85 351 111 200 286
Washington 24043 3,409 219 3,190 612 2,319 478 1,124 1,949
Wicomico 24045 2,567 173 2,394 652 1,549 366 832 1,561
Worcester 24047 839 51 788 176 552 111 282 543
  Independent city
Baltimore 24510 36,853 2,029 34,824 5,583 25,270 6,000 9,401 22,741
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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