SSI Recipients by State and County, 2015


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2015
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Oregon 41 86,153 9,199 76,954 10,745 57,542 17,866 27,972 48,614
Baker 41001 453 29 424 48 328 77 178 238
Benton 41003 994 79 915 114 715 165 329 551
Clackamas 41005 5,217 645 4,572 704 3,416 1,097 1,569 2,997
Clatsop 41007 818 61 757 74 632 112 307 435
Columbia 41009 1,000 43 957 129 749 122 311 588
Coos 41011 2,422 149 2,273 254 1,765 403 829 1,356
Crook 41013 460 21 439 53 332 75 171 249
Curry 41015 661 70 591 43 475 143 256 362
Deschutes 41017 2,346 138 2,208 347 1,685 314 765 1,326
Douglas 41019 3,376 199 3,177 330 2,541 505 1,218 1,910
Gilliam 41021 42 (X) (X) (X) 25 (X) 16 21
Grant 41023 171 10 161 17 119 35 77 94
Harney 41025 230 17 213 11 170 49 103 112
Hood River 41027 271 35 236 44 166 61 101 142
Jackson 41029 4,715 388 4,327 656 3,234 825 1,807 2,560
Jefferson 41031 592 34 558 103 391 98 193 325
Josephine 41033 2,793 210 2,583 270 2,037 486 969 1,597
Klamath 41035 2,026 121 1,905 232 1,465 329 712 1,122
Lake 41037 243 20 223 25 171 47 88 139
Lane 41039 9,236 573 8,663 1,066 6,772 1,398 3,097 5,134
Lincoln 41041 1,282 110 1,172 118 940 224 486 709
Linn 41043 3,425 148 3,277 406 2,571 448 1,061 1,959
Malheur 41045 974 76 898 178 615 181 372 521
Marion 41047 7,328 665 6,663 1,293 4,686 1,349 2,256 4,191
Morrow 41049 247 11 236 36 181 30 91 132
Multnomah 41051 20,907 3,328 17,579 2,180 12,767 5,960 6,135 12,151
Polk 41053 1,371 85 1,286 201 968 202 421 800
Sherman 41055 40 (X) (X) (X) 30 (X) 11 41
Tillamook 41057 538 34 504 50 397 91 194 295
Umatilla 41059 1,686 138 1,548 256 1,105 325 596 902
Union 41061 598 34 564 79 426 93 220 330
Wallowa 41063 154 13 141 (X) 122 (X) 70 74
Wasco 41065 668 50 618 94 467 107 240 360
Washington 41067 7,251 1,527 5,724 1,070 3,971 2,210 2,179 3,974
Wheeler 41069 33 (X) (X) (X) 20 (X) (X) 20
Yamhill 41071 1,585 123 1,462 243 1,088 254 535 896
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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