SSI Recipients by State and County, 2015

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2015
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 118,080 8,068 110,012 19,950 76,431 21,699 40,475 64,543
Abbeville 45001 621 43 578 76 403 142 212 352
Aiken 45003 3,953 210 3,743 693 2,622 638 1,230 2,257
Allendale 45005 612 60 552 75 378 159 246 321
Anderson 45007 4,323 216 4,107 677 3,070 576 1,389 2,420
Bamberg 45009 699 56 643 66 456 177 279 377
Barnwell 45011 1,120 78 1,042 167 732 221 401 590
Beaufort 45013 2,032 152 1,880 408 1,244 380 663 1,134
Berkeley 45015 3,129 203 2,926 641 1,957 531 965 1,780
Calhoun 45017 434 48 386 51 266 117 190 215
Charleston 45019 7,363 566 6,797 1,145 4,677 1,541 2,677 3,828
Cherokee 45021 1,630 75 1,555 270 1,120 240 529 899
Chester 45023 1,179 67 1,112 216 768 195 388 645
Chesterfield 45025 1,545 97 1,448 192 1,043 310 546 842
Clarendon 45027 1,598 157 1,441 179 987 432 647 885
Colleton 45029 1,696 111 1,585 207 1,109 380 641 897
Darlington 45031 2,893 211 2,682 430 1,860 603 1,041 1,560
Dillon 45033 1,593 107 1,486 222 1,005 366 603 906
Dorchester 45035 2,878 160 2,718 577 1,858 443 902 1,587
Edgefield 45037 806 68 738 128 498 180 277 427
Fairfield 45039 847 78 769 117 527 203 293 468
Florence 45041 5,954 443 5,511 949 3,742 1,263 2,243 3,118
Georgetown 45043 1,867 122 1,745 306 1,193 368 669 991
Greenville 45045 9,746 732 9,014 1,749 6,449 1,548 3,212 5,353
Greenwood 45047 1,771 121 1,650 330 1,142 299 591 1,023
Hampton 45049 989 70 919 130 628 231 378 530
Horry 45051 5,733 376 5,357 970 3,772 991 2,090 3,154
Jasper 45053 667 51 616 116 426 125 228 384
Kershaw 45055 1,527 106 1,421 268 981 278 543 825
Lancaster 45057 1,737 86 1,651 351 1,141 245 529 988
Laurens 45059 2,134 102 2,032 350 1,482 302 722 1,146
Lee 45061 733 80 653 82 438 213 307 377
Lexington 45063 4,523 243 4,280 865 3,003 655 1,366 2,500
McCormick 45065 310 39 271 28 195 87 131 183
Marion 45067 1,671 142 1,529 251 1,031 389 654 892
Marlboro 45069 1,462 110 1,352 191 950 321 591 839
Newberry 45071 1,014 60 954 179 658 177 374 556
Oconee 45073 1,509 76 1,433 225 1,037 247 564 818
Orangeburg 45075 4,090 373 3,717 604 2,512 974 1,510 2,245
Pickens 45077 2,282 106 2,176 345 1,656 281 779 1,249
Richland 45079 8,528 503 8,025 1,787 5,354 1,387 2,552 4,675
Saluda 45081 462 32 430 80 284 98 172 260
Spartanburg 45083 7,277 463 6,814 1,240 4,803 1,234 2,371 3,929
Sumter 45085 4,373 386 3,987 751 2,669 953 1,566 2,417
Union 45087 1,057 51 1,006 175 718 164 322 552
Williamsburg 45089 1,909 183 1,726 236 1,198 475 724 1,010
York 45091 3,804 249 3,555 855 2,389 560 1,168 2,139
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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