SSI Recipients by State and County, 2017

New Mexico

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2017
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, New Mexico 35 63,706 8,366 55,340 8,215 37,764 17,727 24,601 35,115
Bernalillo 35001 18,002 2,030 15,972 2,393 11,486 4,123 6,129 10,506
Catron 35003 75 (X) (X) (X) 54 (X) 34 44
Chaves 35005 2,166 281 1,885 240 1,353 573 864 1,150
Cibola 35006 959 108 851 104 597 258 345 531
Colfax 35007 422 31 391 39 289 94 175 233
Curry 35009 1,517 113 1,404 230 947 340 567 812
De Baca 35011 82 10 72 (X) (X) (X) 35 41
Dona Ana 35013 8,264 1,676 6,588 1,283 4,066 2,915 3,676 4,331
Eddy 35015 1,214 124 1,090 107 788 319 478 610
Grant 35017 871 102 769 74 558 239 357 497
Guadalupe 35019 239 39 200 12 129 98 128 110
Harding 35021 11 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 5
Hidalgo 35023 178 26 152 11 119 48 76 106
Lea 35025 1,545 265 1,280 211 812 522 668 770
Lincoln 35027 377 35 342 42 230 105 150 206
Los Alamos 35028 81 (X) (X) (X) 65 (X) 27 41
Luna 35029 1,502 533 969 123 618 761 865 720
McKinley 35031 4,603 733 3,870 734 2,162 1,707 1,773 2,465
Mora 35033 283 36 247 14 179 90 137 169
Otero 35035 1,461 104 1,357 190 990 281 557 812
Quay 35037 393 37 356 28 276 89 153 222
Rio Arriba 35039 1,734 145 1,589 157 1,139 438 663 992
Roosevelt 35041 574 52 522 72 340 162 225 301
Sandoval 35043 2,752 368 2,384 417 1,570 765 980 1,514
San Juan 35045 4,020 396 3,624 620 2,365 1,035 1,534 2,209
San Miguel 35047 1,803 147 1,656 166 1,163 474 670 1,005
Santa Fe 35049 2,669 327 2,342 318 1,637 714 1,010 1,446
Sierra 35051 599 88 511 37 386 176 270 315
Socorro 35053 1,026 100 926 107 620 299 417 574
Taos 35055 1,116 177 939 73 646 397 523 568
Torrance 35057 582 51 531 48 403 131 241 305
Union 35059 116 17 99 12 62 42 57 64
Valencia 35061 2,470 200 2,270 337 1,657 476 813 1,439
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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