SSI Recipients by State and County, 2017

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2017
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 116,683 7,933 108,750 18,554 75,712 22,417 39,809 65,547
Abbeville 45001 570 38 532 63 374 133 200 317
Aiken 45003 3,819 200 3,619 647 2,512 660 1,179 2,428
Allendale 45005 604 49 555 71 371 162 229 327
Anderson 45007 4,295 210 4,085 643 3,053 599 1,386 2,388
Bamberg 45009 713 57 656 69 467 177 281 370
Barnwell 45011 1,081 74 1,007 154 698 229 393 591
Beaufort 45013 1,945 165 1,780 354 1,192 399 686 1,093
Berkeley 45015 3,275 205 3,070 634 2,081 560 1,022 1,967
Calhoun 45017 390 38 352 50 241 99 175 193
Charleston 45019 7,130 582 6,548 1,071 4,437 1,622 2,584 3,933
Cherokee 45021 1,581 83 1,498 259 1,065 257 525 887
Chester 45023 1,145 56 1,089 181 777 187 374 643
Chesterfield 45025 1,550 97 1,453 198 1,023 329 539 829
Clarendon 45027 1,549 146 1,403 167 963 419 611 850
Colleton 45029 1,691 107 1,584 188 1,112 391 606 928
Darlington 45031 2,764 199 2,565 396 1,759 609 1,011 1,580
Dillon 45033 1,520 103 1,417 202 955 363 579 824
Dorchester 45035 2,869 159 2,710 567 1,841 461 888 1,650
Edgefield 45037 816 66 750 130 489 197 272 500
Fairfield 45039 803 74 729 91 513 199 282 419
Florence 45041 5,819 432 5,387 821 3,682 1,316 2,196 3,093
Georgetown 45043 1,792 123 1,669 284 1,130 378 640 954
Greenville 45045 9,623 770 8,853 1,632 6,303 1,688 3,237 5,266
Greenwood 45047 1,793 108 1,685 309 1,181 303 588 1,030
Hampton 45049 973 66 907 120 625 228 370 546
Horry 45051 5,910 378 5,532 939 3,942 1,029 2,095 3,326
Jasper 45053 677 39 638 114 446 117 226 399
Kershaw 45055 1,518 106 1,412 263 973 282 520 873
Lancaster 45057 1,730 74 1,656 316 1,177 237 499 1,056
Laurens 45059 2,070 84 1,986 285 1,473 312 708 1,142
Lee 45061 863 90 773 99 512 252 358 449
Lexington 45063 4,545 246 4,299 832 2,993 720 1,370 2,606
McCormick 45065 315 36 279 32 199 84 128 154
Marion 45067 1,621 127 1,494 241 1,005 375 622 858
Marlboro 45069 1,458 109 1,349 199 939 320 578 759
Newberry 45071 987 67 920 178 617 192 371 516
Oconee 45073 1,489 73 1,416 230 1,018 241 538 838
Orangeburg 45075 3,947 343 3,604 501 2,465 981 1,474 2,205
Pickens 45077 2,235 114 2,121 312 1,619 304 744 1,204
Richland 45079 8,642 531 8,111 1,630 5,530 1,482 2,601 4,986
Saluda 45081 503 36 467 67 324 112 199 287
Spartanburg 45083 7,253 470 6,783 1,214 4,764 1,275 2,302 4,068
Sumter 45085 4,197 342 3,855 659 2,629 909 1,452 2,402
Union 45087 992 43 949 153 704 135 302 553
Williamsburg 45089 1,773 152 1,621 195 1,132 446 680 972
York 45091 3,848 266 3,582 794 2,407 647 1,189 2,289
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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