SSI Recipients by State and County, 2019

New Mexico

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2019
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, New Mexico 35 62,064 8,082 53,982 7,611 36,548 17,905 23,968 34,970
Bernalillo 35001 17,412 1,942 15,470 2,141 11,047 4,224 5,864 10,186
Catron 35003 79 (X) (X) (X) 57 (X) 33 41
Chaves 35005 2,088 255 1,833 228 1,296 564 857 1,149
Cibola 35006 930 108 822 103 558 269 341 535
Colfax 35007 423 24 399 32 303 88 160 258
Curry 35009 1,492 107 1,385 232 919 341 557 857
De Baca 35011 73 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 31 37
Dona Ana 35013 8,308 1,705 6,603 1,261 4,027 3,020 3,728 4,426
Eddy 35015 1,139 115 1,024 93 739 307 459 618
Grant 35017 884 100 784 85 558 241 357 480
Guadalupe 35019 219 27 192 17 121 81 110 107
Harding 35021 8 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 4
Hidalgo 35023 169 22 147 (X) 115 (X) 79 90
Lea 35025 1,467 239 1,228 182 793 492 642 762
Lincoln 35027 383 44 339 40 229 114 155 215
Los Alamos 35028 86 (X) (X) (X) 71 (X) 25 46
Luna 35029 1,507 508 999 120 630 757 863 729
McKinley 35031 4,520 724 3,796 699 2,087 1,734 1,805 2,609
Mora 35033 272 38 234 14 161 97 137 142
Otero 35035 1,447 105 1,342 189 986 272 532 849
Quay 35037 376 30 346 20 266 90 156 199
Rio Arriba 35039 1,676 129 1,547 160 1,100 416 615 954
Roosevelt 35041 543 43 500 70 320 153 205 308
Sandoval 35043 2,645 343 2,302 373 1,523 749 925 1,477
San Juan 35045 3,932 370 3,562 556 2,356 1,020 1,482 2,310
San Miguel 35047 1,742 132 1,610 147 1,117 478 632 979
Santa Fe 35049 2,516 356 2,160 265 1,500 751 948 1,395
Sierra 35051 563 73 490 36 353 174 254 296
Socorro 35053 970 96 874 93 581 296 405 556
Taos 35055 1,116 172 944 73 640 403 513 580
Torrance 35057 523 42 481 36 353 134 224 277
Union 35059 107 12 95 (X) 60 (X) 50 54
Valencia 35061 2,449 202 2,247 313 1,629 507 820 1,448
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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