SSI Recipients by State and County, 2020

South Carolina

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2020
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Carolina 45 113,864 7,433 106,431 17,516 73,113 23,235 38,065 66,968
Abbeville 45001 522 35 487 53 344 125 193 324
Aiken 45003 3,883 179 3,704 612 2,603 668 1,124 2,403
Allendale 45005 566 40 526 55 346 165 210 326
Anderson 45007 4,278 200 4,078 628 2,970 680 1,391 2,506
Bamberg 45009 657 50 607 62 427 168 252 380
Barnwell 45011 1,057 70 987 137 678 242 394 653
Beaufort 45013 1,891 149 1,742 336 1,143 412 641 1,104
Berkeley 45015 3,506 217 3,289 701 2,175 630 1,052 2,094
Calhoun 45017 365 27 338 37 231 97 139 209
Charleston 45019 6,791 579 6,212 1,021 4,049 1,721 2,450 3,860
Cherokee 45021 1,510 60 1,450 277 987 246 487 905
Chester 45023 1,125 53 1,072 177 759 189 357 695
Chesterfield 45025 1,553 86 1,467 188 1,055 310 526 898
Clarendon 45027 1,420 116 1,304 169 876 375 555 851
Colleton 45029 1,571 97 1,474 185 1,002 384 567 913
Darlington 45031 2,740 178 2,562 346 1,739 655 983 1,642
Dillon 45033 1,455 76 1,379 159 961 335 535 834
Dorchester 45035 2,791 150 2,641 516 1,787 488 813 1,618
Edgefield 45037 846 64 782 132 516 198 247 512
Fairfield 45039 737 53 684 88 461 188 239 446
Florence 45041 5,468 365 5,103 763 3,423 1,282 1,992 3,172
Georgetown 45043 1,754 119 1,635 252 1,127 375 593 986
Greenville 45045 9,383 720 8,663 1,560 6,018 1,805 3,138 5,345
Greenwood 45047 1,709 98 1,611 283 1,121 305 575 1,001
Hampton 45049 948 63 885 105 607 236 358 548
Horry 45051 6,007 379 5,628 945 3,935 1,127 2,160 3,475
Jasper 45053 637 44 593 106 397 134 229 365
Kershaw 45055 1,511 104 1,407 231 973 307 508 946
Lancaster 45057 1,764 87 1,677 278 1,201 285 534 1,062
Laurens 45059 1,880 68 1,812 267 1,311 302 640 1,106
Lee 45061 751 72 679 62 480 209 307 423
Lexington 45063 4,644 246 4,398 821 3,021 802 1,311 2,830
McCormick 45065 298 30 268 30 178 90 126 151
Marion 45067 1,529 107 1,422 196 975 358 581 869
Marlboro 45069 1,408 96 1,312 175 909 324 539 819
Newberry 45071 924 65 859 148 588 188 331 525
Oconee 45073 1,459 71 1,388 191 1,015 253 519 824
Orangeburg 45075 3,783 304 3,479 471 2,322 990 1,359 2,237
Pickens 45077 2,232 115 2,117 313 1,591 328 726 1,282
Richland 45079 8,555 521 8,034 1,586 5,419 1,550 2,536 5,166
Saluda 45081 393 31 362 59 250 84 152 219
Spartanburg 45083 7,185 498 6,687 1,128 4,634 1,423 2,261 4,171
Sumter 45085 3,961 302 3,659 575 2,462 924 1,369 2,378
Union 45087 947 46 901 133 676 138 281 573
Williamsburg 45089 1,689 124 1,565 188 1,068 433 635 967
York 45091 3,781 279 3,502 771 2,303 707 1,150 2,352
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTE: ANSI = American National Standards Institute.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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