SSI Recipients by State and County, 2021


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2021
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Oregon 41 85,300 9,285 76,015 9,235 54,712 21,353 28,239 52,412
Baker 41001 428 26 402 27 316 85 181 249
Benton 41003 1,078 84 994 101 768 209 360 683
Clackamas 41005 5,142 594 4,548 607 3,275 1,260 1,599 3,105
Clatsop 41007 738 69 669 39 529 170 303 435
Columbia 41009 1,050 42 1,008 101 787 162 326 662
Coos 41011 2,306 150 2,156 207 1,566 533 807 1,455
Crook 41013 439 26 413 44 310 85 168 251
Curry 41015 643 72 571 41 421 181 287 350
Deschutes 41017 2,228 151 2,077 263 1,570 395 727 1,422
Douglas 41019 3,644 222 3,422 358 2,585 701 1,279 2,299
Gilliam 41021 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 19
Grant 41023 171 (X) (X) (X) 117 (X) 73 90
Harney 41025 229 16 213 (X) 159 (X) 100 136
Hood River 41027 238 32 206 33 140 65 87 152
Jackson 41029 4,652 389 4,263 618 3,008 1,026 1,719 2,856
Jefferson 41031 555 33 522 87 359 109 177 347
Josephine 41033 2,734 258 2,476 252 1,800 682 1,026 1,620
Klamath 41035 2,163 123 2,040 224 1,489 450 779 1,324
Lake 41037 226 14 212 (X) 157 (X) 88 135
Lane 41039 9,624 658 8,966 1,031 6,588 2,005 3,233 5,943
Lincoln 41041 1,298 132 1,166 105 858 335 536 746
Linn 41043 3,375 136 3,239 339 2,459 577 1,057 2,113
Malheur 41045 956 79 877 138 619 199 366 554
Marion 41047 7,334 678 6,656 1,100 4,654 1,580 2,214 4,530
Morrow 41049 211 (X) (X) 31 143 37 68 130
Multnomah 41051 20,107 3,397 16,710 1,820 11,510 6,777 6,239 12,511
Polk 41053 1,496 85 1,411 209 1,041 246 458 946
Sherman 41055 41 (X) (X) (X) 24 (X) 15 35
Tillamook 41057 491 32 459 42 347 102 191 289
Umatilla 41059 1,647 123 1,524 234 1,071 342 588 1,002
Union 41061 605 38 567 66 420 119 236 348
Wallowa 41063 144 13 131 (X) 104 (X) 69 104
Wasco 41065 661 46 615 71 459 131 241 386
Washington 41067 6,962 1,424 5,538 811 3,905 2,246 2,072 4,180
Wheeler 41069 33 (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 16 18
Yamhill 41071 1,619 113 1,506 197 1,121 301 538 989
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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