SSI Recipients by State and County, 2022


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2022
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Oregon 41 83,654 9,417 74,237 8,789 52,825 22,040 27,684 53,910
Baker 41001 425 28 397 41 290 94 188 252
Benton 41003 1,077 83 994 94 757 226 351 693
Clackamas 41005 5,177 635 4,542 564 3,248 1,365 1,629 3,305
Clatsop 41007 724 69 655 39 509 176 299 441
Columbia 41009 1,028 44 984 103 737 188 333 688
Coos 41011 2,282 140 2,142 202 1,541 539 777 1,508
Crook 41013 421 25 396 43 294 84 163 255
Curry 41015 620 74 546 45 376 199 276 346
Deschutes 41017 2,167 153 2,014 251 1,487 429 706 1,370
Douglas 41019 3,575 222 3,353 343 2,497 735 1,250 2,403
Gilliam 41021 38 (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 21
Grant 41023 163 (X) (X) 10 110 43 67 93
Harney 41025 218 15 203 (X) 143 (X) 95 123
Hood River 41027 226 28 198 29 138 59 78 136
Jackson 41029 4,602 408 4,194 610 2,909 1,083 1,663 2,878
Jefferson 41031 544 34 510 83 349 112 185 376
Josephine 41033 2,654 265 2,389 233 1,715 706 983 1,679
Klamath 41035 2,102 121 1,981 219 1,428 455 733 1,354
Lake 41037 222 17 205 (X) 145 (X) 90 134
Lane 41039 9,328 671 8,657 972 6,267 2,089 3,097 5,967
Lincoln 41041 1,261 129 1,132 100 818 343 519 758
Linn 41043 3,302 144 3,158 334 2,363 605 1,051 2,158
Malheur 41045 975 78 897 127 634 214 382 617
Marion 41047 7,123 677 6,446 1,006 4,508 1,609 2,174 4,701
Morrow 41049 210 (X) (X) 32 139 39 72 144
Multnomah 41051 19,686 3,406 16,280 1,731 11,090 6,865 6,156 12,881
Polk 41053 1,511 88 1,423 204 1,051 256 463 971
Sherman 41055 37 (X) (X) (X) 21 (X) 15 22
Tillamook 41057 477 36 441 38 330 109 194 293
Umatilla 41059 1,647 135 1,512 235 1,048 364 580 1,046
Union 41061 579 35 544 60 393 126 224 389
Wallowa 41063 135 11 124 (X) 97 (X) 64 88
Wasco 41065 638 51 587 67 438 133 226 404
Washington 41067 6,860 1,440 5,420 773 3,826 2,261 2,037 4,391
Wheeler 41069 32 (X) (X) (X) (X) 16 17 17
Yamhill 41071 1,588 127 1,461 172 1,091 325 531 1,011
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.