Annual Statistical Supplement, 2003

Health Care Programs



Table 8.E1 Unduplicated number of recipients, total vendor payments, and average payment, by type of medical service, selected fiscal years 1985–2000
Year Total Inpatient
services in—
care facility
services for—
facility a
Physicians' Dental Other
Clinic Laboratory
All other
Number of recipients (thousands)
1985 21,814 3,434 60 147 828 547 14,387 4,672 3,357 10,072 2,121 6,354 535 13,921 1,636 5,371
1986 22,515 3,544 53 145 828 571 14,894 5,161 3,451 10,702 2,027 7,123 593 14,704 1,732 5,573
1987 23,109 3,767 57 149 849 572 15,373 5,131 3,542 10,979 2,183 7,596 609 15,083 1,652 5,957
1988 22,907 3,832 60 145 866 579 15,265 5,072 3,480 10,533 2,256 7,579 569 15,323 1,525 6,601
1989 23,511 4,170 90 148 888 564 15,686 4,214 3,555 11,344 2,391 7,759 609 15,916 1,564 7,278
1990 25,255 4,593 92 147 860 601 17,078 4,552 3,873 12,370 2,804 8,959 719 17,294 1,752 8,302
1991 28,280 5,072 65 146 . . . 1,500 19,321 5,209 4,282 14,137 3,511 10,505 813 19,602 2,185 10,319
1992 30,926 5,768 77 151 . . . 1,573 21,627 5,700 4,711 15,120 4,115 11,804 925 22,030 2,550 12,427
1993 33,432 5,894 75 149 . . . 1,610 23,746 6,174 5,229 16,436 4,839 12,970 1,067 23,901 2,538 15,035
1994 35,053 5,866 85 159 . . . 1,639 24,267 6,352 5,409 16,567 5,258 13,412 1,293 24,471 2,566 17,321
1995 36,282 5,561 84 151 . . . 1,667 23,789 6,383 5,528 16,712 5,322 13,064 1,639 23,723 2,501 19,277
1996 36,118 5,362 93 140 . . . 1,594 22,861 6,208 5,343 15,905 5,070 12,607 1,727 22,585 2,366 21,104
1997 34,873 4,746 87 136 . . . 1,603 21,170 5,935 5,142 13,632 4,713 11,074 1,861 20,954 2,091 20,284
1998 40,649 4,273 135 126 . . . 1,646 18,555 4,965 4,342 12,158 5,285 9,381 1,225 19,338 2,011 34,820
1999 b 40,184 4,497 87 122 . . . 1,617 18,373 5,622 3,986 12,417 6,746 10,194 814 19,855 . . . 37,359
2000 b 42,763 4,933 99 118 . . . 1,703 19,104 5,892 4,735 13,226 7,667 11,396 995 20,517 . . . 40,544
Total payments (millions of dollars)
1985 37,508 9,453 1,192 4,731 6,516 5,071 2,346 458 251 1,789 714 337 1,120 2,315 195 1,020
1986 41,005 10,364 1,113 5,072 6,773 5,660 2,547 531 252 1,980 807 424 1,352 2,692 226 1,212
1987 45,050 11,302 1,409 5,591 7,280 5,967 2,776 541 263 2,226 963 475 1,690 2,988 228 1,349
1988 48,710 12,076 1,375 6,022 7,923 6,354 2,953 577 284 2,413 1,105 543 2,015 3,294 206 1,569
1989 54,500 13,378 1,470 6,649 8,871 6,660 3,408 498 317 2,837 1,249 590 2,572 3,689 227 2,085
1990 64,859 16,674 1,714 7,354 9,667 8,026 4,018 593 372 3,324 1,688 721 3,404 4,420 265 2,618
1991 77,048 19,891 2,010 7,680 . . . 20,709 4,952 710 437 4,283 2,211 897 4,101 5,424 359 3,384
1992 90,814 23,503 2,196 8,550 . . . 23,544 6,102 851 538 5,279 2,818 1,035 4,886 6,765 500 4,243
1993 101,709 25,734 2,161 8,831 . . . 25,431 6,952 961 937 6,215 3,457 1,137 5,601 7,970 538 5,784
1994 108,270 26,180 2,057 8,347 . . . 27,095 7,189 969 1,040 6,342 3,747 1,176 7,042 8,875 516 7,695
1995 120,141 26,331 2,511 10,383 . . . 29,052 7,360 1,019 986 6,627 4,280 1,180 9,406 9,791 514 10,700
1996 121,685 25,176 2,040 9,555 . . . 29,630 7,238 1,028 1,094 6,504 4,222 1,208 10,868 10,697 474 11,948
1997 124,429 23,143 2,009 9,798 . . . 30,504 7,041 1,036 979 6,169 4,252 1,033 12,237 11,972 418 12,958
1998 142,318 21,499 2,801 9,482 . . . 31,892 6,070 901 587 5,759 3,921 939 2,702 13,522 449 38,747
1999 b 153,479 22,231 1,758 9,332 . . . 33,251 6,556 1,204 470 6,094 5,801 1,158 2,906 16,612 . . . 45,637
2000 b 168,307 24,266 1,768 9,375 . . . 34,432 1,204 1,404 658 7,053 6,174 1,288 3,119 20,014 . . . 50,953
Average payment (dollars)
1985 1,719 2,753 20,021 32,238 7,868 9,278 163 98 75 178 337 53 2,092 166 119 190
1986 1,821 2,924 20,952 35,089 8,182 9,910 171 103 73 185 398 60 2,278 183 130 217
1987 1,949 3,000 24,714 37,490 8,571 10,432 181 105 74 203 441 63 2,777 198 138 227
1988 2,126 3,151 22,956 41,413 9,153 10,971 193 114 82 229 490 72 3,542 215 135 238
1989 2,318 3,208 16,397 44,999 9,994 11,809 217 118 89 250 523 76 4,225 232 145 286
1990 2,568 3,630 18,548 50,048 11,236 13,356 235 130 96 269 602 80 4,733 256 151 315
1991 2,725 3,922 30,948 52,750 . . . 13,811 256 136 102 303 630 85 5,048 277 164 328
1992 2,936 4,075 28,364 56,502 . . . 14,965 282 149 114 349 685 88 5,283 307 196 342
1993 3,042 4,366 28,948 59,156 . . . 15,798 293 156 179 378 714 88 5,250 333 212 385
1994 3,089 4,463 24,120 52,571 . . . 16,533 296 153 192 383 713 88 5,445 363 201 444
1995 3,311 4,735 29,847 68,613 . . . 17,424 309 160 178 397 804 90 5,740 413 206 555
1996 3,369 4,696 21,873 68,232 . . . 18,589 317 166 205 409 833 96 6,293 474 200 566
1997 3,568 4,877 22,990 72,033 . . . 19,029 333 275 190 453 902 93 6,575 571 200 639
1998 3,501 5,031 20,701 74,960 . . . 19,379 327 182 135 474 742 100 2,206 699 223 1,113
1999 b 3,819 4,943 18,094 76,443 . . . 20,568 357 214 118 491 860 285 3,571 837 . . . 1,221
2000 b 3,936 4,919 17,800 79,330 . . . 20,220 356 238 139 533 805 274 3,135 975 . . . 1,257
a. Beginning in fiscal year 1991, "Nursing facility services" category combines "Intermediate care facility, All other" and "Skilled nursing facility services," which were previously separate. Data under "Nursing facility services" prior to 1991 reflect "Skilled nursing facility services."
b. Excludes recipients in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Data are not available.
SOURCE: Data before 1998 HCFA-Form 2082 and data onward from 1999 Medicaid Statistical Information Systems, MSIS, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
NOTES: Fiscal year 1977 began in October 1976 and was the first year of the new federal cycle. Before 1977, the fiscal year began in July.
Beginning in fiscal year 1980, recipients' categories do not add to unduplicated total because of the small number of recipients that are in more than one category during the year. Beginning in 1998, several new medical services were combined with "Other" (excludes unknowns).
. . . = not applicable.
CONTACT: Tony Parker (410) 786-0155.
Table 8.E2 Unduplicated number of recipients, total vendor payments, and average payment, by type of eligibility category, selected fiscal years 1972–2000
Year Total Aged 65
or older
Blind Permanent
and total
under age 21
Adults in
families with
Number of recipients (thousands)
1972 17,606 3,318 108 1,625 7,841 3,137 1,576
1975 22,007 3,615 109 2,355 9,598 4,529 1,800
1980 21,605 3,440 92 2,819 9,333 4,877 1,499
1985 21,814 3,061 80 2,937 9,757 5,518 1,214
1986 22,515 3,140 82 3,100 10,029 5,647 1,362
1987 23,109 3,224 85 3,296 10,168 5,599 1,418
1988 22,907 3,159 86 3,401 10,037 5,503 1,343
1989 23,511 3,132 95 3,496 10,318 5,717 1,175
1990 25,255 3,202 83 3,635 11,220 6,010 1,105
1991 28,280 3,359 85 3,983 13,415 6,778 658
1992 30,926 3,742 84 4,378 15,104 6,954 664
1993 33,432 3,863 84 4,932 16,285 7,505 763
1994 35,053 4,035 87 5,372 17,194 7,586 779
1995 36,282 4,119 92 5,767 17,164 7,604 1,537
1996 36,118 4,285 95 6,126 16,739 7,127 1,746
1997 34,872 3,955 . . . 6,129 15,791 6,803 2,195
1998 40,649 3,964 . . . 6,638 18,964 7,908 3,176
1999 a 40,184 3,774 . . . 6,697 18,837 7,511 3,365
2000 a 42,763 3,731 . . . 6,889 19,723 8,750 3,671
Total payments (millions of dollars)
1972 6,300 1,925 45 1,354 1,139 962 875
1975 12,242 4,358 93 3,052 2,186 2,062 492
1980 23,311 8,739 124 7,497 3,123 3,231 596
1985 37,508 14,096 249 13,203 4,414 4,746 798
1986 41,005 15,097 277 14,635 5,135 4,880 980
1987 45,050 16,037 309 16,507 5,508 5,592 1,078
1988 48,710 17,135 344 18,250 5,848 5,883 1,198
1989 54,500 18,558 409 20,476 6,892 6,897 1,268
1990 64,859 21,508 434 23,969 9,100 8,590 1,257
1991 77,048 25,453 475 27,798 11,690 10,439 1,193
1992 90,814 29,078 530 33,326 14,491 12,185 1,204
1993 101,709 31,554 589 38,065 16,504 13,605 1,391
1994 108,270 33,618 644 41,654 17,302 13,585 1,467
1995 120,141 36,527 848 48,570 17,976 13,511 2,708
1996 121,685 36,947 869 51,196 17,544 12,275 2,853
1997 124,430 37,721 . . . 54,130 17,544 12,307 2,727
1998 142,318 40,602 . . . 60,375 22,806 14,833 3,702
1999 a 153,479 42,522 . . . 65,850 24,151 15,801 5,156
2000 a 168,307 44,503 . . . 72,742 26,775 17,763 6,525
Average payment (dollars)
1972 358 580 417 833 145 307 555
1975 556 1,205 850 1,296 228 455 273
1980 1,079 2,540 1,358 2,659 335 663 398
1985 1,719 4,605 3,104 4,496 452 860 658
1986 1,821 4,808 3,401 4,721 512 864 719
1987 1,949 4,975 3,644 5,008 542 999 761
1988 2,126 5,425 4,005 5,366 583 1,069 891
1989 2,318 5,926 4,317 5,858 668 1,206 1,079
1990 2,568 6,717 5,212 6,595 811 1,429 1,138
1991 2,725 7,577 5,572 6,979 871 1,540 1,813
1992 2,936 7,770 6,298 7,612 959 1,752 1,813
1993 3,042 8,168 7,036 7,717 1,013 1,813 1,824
1994 3,089 8,331 7,412 7,755 1,006 1,791 1,884
1995 3,311 8,868 9,256 8,422 1,047 1,777 1,762
1996 3,369 8,622 9,143 8,357 1,048 1,722 1,635
1997 3,568 9,538 . . . 8,832 1,111 1,809 3,597
1998 3,501 10,242 . . . 9,095 1,203 1,876 1,166
1999 a 3,819 11,268 . . . 9,832 1,282 2,104 1,532
2000 a 3,936 11,929 . . . 10,559 1,358 2,030 1,778
a. Excludes recipients in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Data are not available.
SOURCE: 1999 Medicaid Statistical Information System, MSIS, earlier years HCFA-Form 2082, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
NOTES: Fiscal year 1977 began in October 1976 and was the first year of the new federal fiscal cycle. Before 1977, the fiscal year began in July.
Beginning in fiscal year 1980, recipients' categories do not add to unduplicated total because of the small number of recipients that are in more than one category during the year. Beginning in 1997, Disability data includes Blindness. Children includes Foster Care, and Other are Unknowns.
. . . = not applicable.
CONTACT: Tony Parker (410) 786-0155.