Annual Statistical Supplement, 2005

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Representative Payee

Table 5.L1 Number of beneficiaries with a representative payee as a percentage of all beneficiaries, by type of beneficiary and age, December 2004
Type of beneficiary and age All
Beneficiaries with representative payee
Number Percentage
of all
Total 47,707,380 5,041,950 10.6
Adult beneficiaries 44,603,320 1,940,090 4.3
Retired workers 29,971,970 434,000 1.4
Under 65 2,686,350 4,430 0.2
65–74 14,472,170 132,130 0.9
75–84 9,563,460 148,080 1.5
85 or older 3,249,990 149,360 4.6
Disabled workers 6,192,210 733,260 11.8
Under 35 413,460 125,650 30.4
35–44 985,910 172,680 17.5
45–54 1,930,080 235,390 12.2
55 or older 2,862,760 199,540 7.0
Wives and husbands 2,723,680 21,700 0.8
Under 65 432,150 2,870 0.7
65–74 1,339,890 8,410 0.6
75–84 828,470 7,580 0.9
85 or older 123,170 2,840 2.3
Widow(er)s a 4,615,950 134,220 2.9
Under 65 634,020 2,680 0.4
65–74 1,309,350 20,790 1.6
75–84 1,693,850 47,790 2.8
85 or older 978,730 62,960 6.4
Disabled widow(er)s 209,700 14,070 6.7
Under 55 27,210 1,990 7.3
55–64 182,490 12,080 6.6
Disabled adult children 765,250 598,920 78.3
Under 35 209,540 148,680 71.0
35–44 202,700 157,380 77.6
45–54 183,000 149,050 81.4
55 or older 170,010 143,810 84.6
Students aged 18–19 124,560 3,920 3.1
Children under age 18 3,104,060 3,101,860 99.9
In custody of parent payee 2,777,480 2,777,480 100.0
Not in custody of parent payee 326,580 324,380 99.3
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 10 percent sample.
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
CONTACT: Cherice N. Jefferies (410) 965-5520.