Annual Statistical Supplement, 2010

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Disabled Workers

Table 5.D1 Number, percentage, and average monthly benefit, by year of entitlement as disabled worker and sex, December 2009
Year of entitlement All disabled workers Men Women
Number Percentage distribution Cumulative percentage a Average monthly benefit (dollars) Number Percentage distribution Cumulative percentage a Average monthly benefit (dollars) Number Percentage distribution Cumulative percentage a Average monthly benefit (dollars)
Total 7,788,013 100.0 . . . 1,064.30 4,100,400 100.0 . . . 1,189.40 3,687,613 100.0 . . . 925.20
Summary data
2005–2009 2,748,358 35.3 . . . 1,144.20 1,461,878 35.7 . . . 1,290.70 1,286,480 34.9 . . . 977.70
2000–2004 2,412,657 31.0 . . . 1,099.80 1,210,971 29.5 . . . 1,247.50 1,201,686 32.6 . . . 951.00
1995–1999 1,200,105 15.4 . . . 976.40 594,109 14.5 . . . 1,092.40 605,996 16.4 . . . 862.80
1990–1994 795,336 10.2 . . . 925.70 430,515 10.5 . . . 1,015.30 364,821 9.9 . . . 820.10
1985–1989 335,293 4.3 . . . 897.90 203,602 5.0 . . . 961.90 131,691 3.6 . . . 798.90
1980–1984 160,960 2.1 . . . 861.40 107,337 2.6 . . . 907.60 53,623 1.5 . . . 769.00
1975–1979 91,401 1.2 . . . 1,119.30 60,925 1.5 . . . 1,163.80 30,476 0.8 . . . 1,030.40
1970–1974 38,156 0.5 . . . 942.00 26,518 0.6 . . . 964.40 11,638 0.3 . . . 891.00
Before 1970 5,747 0.1 . . . 788.00 4,545 0.1 . . . 797.10 1,202 b . . . 753.60
Single-year data
2009 367,068 4.7 4.7 1,199.70 211,638 5.2 5.2 1,337.00 155,430 4.2 4.2 1,012.70
2008 565,964 7.3 12.0 1,157.10 310,032 7.6 12.7 1,295.60 255,932 6.9 11.2 989.30
2007 612,755 7.9 19.8 1,136.00 323,981 7.9 20.6 1,279.20 288,774 7.8 19.0 975.40
2006 611,349 7.8 27.7 1,127.00 315,215 7.7 28.3 1,277.90 296,134 8.0 27.0 966.20
2005 591,222 7.6 35.3 1,123.70 301,012 7.3 35.7 1,279.00 290,210 7.9 34.9 962.60
2004 577,233 7.4 42.7 1,129.50 292,256 7.1 42.8 1,286.20 284,977 7.7 42.6 968.80
2003 547,791 7.0 49.7 1,125.80 277,367 6.8 49.5 1,281.30 270,424 7.3 49.9 966.40
2002 499,739 6.4 56.2 1,103.20 251,229 6.1 55.7 1,251.60 248,510 6.7 56.7 953.30
2001 431,493 5.5 61.7 1,065.80 215,065 5.2 60.9 1,201.40 216,428 5.9 62.6 931.00
2000 356,401 4.6 66.3 1,048.30 175,054 4.3 65.2 1,180.20 181,347 4.9 67.5 920.90
1999 304,725 3.9 70.2 1,013.90 149,638 3.6 68.8 1,139.40 155,087 4.2 71.7 892.90
1998 258,715 3.3 73.5 975.00 126,725 3.1 71.9 1,092.40 131,990 3.6 75.3 862.30
1997 229,568 2.9 76.5 959.40 113,204 2.8 74.7 1,072.10 116,364 3.2 78.4 849.70
1996 211,386 2.7 79.2 956.30 105,990 2.6 77.3 1,067.00 105,396 2.9 81.3 845.10
1995 195,711 2.5 81.7 961.70 98,552 2.4 79.7 1,071.60 97,159 2.6 83.9 850.30
1994 183,014 2.3 84.0 956.10 93,513 2.3 82.0 1,060.60 89,501 2.4 86.3 846.80
1993 172,105 2.2 86.2 927.60 90,900 2.2 84.2 1,024.90 81,205 2.2 88.5 818.80
1992 164,336 2.1 88.3 915.00 89,852 2.2 86.4 1,004.00 74,484 2.0 90.6 807.70
1991 152,492 2.0 90.3 908.30 85,621 2.1 88.5 989.00 66,871 1.8 92.4 804.90
1990 123,389 1.6 91.9 914.00 70,629 1.7 90.2 989.30 52,760 1.4 93.8 813.30
1989 91,188 1.2 93.1 917.10 53,384 1.3 91.5 988.20 37,804 1.0 94.8 816.80
1988 73,170 0.9 94.0 914.20 43,537 1.1 92.5 985.00 29,633 0.8 95.6 810.20
1987 62,332 0.8 94.8 905.40 38,012 0.9 93.5 971.50 24,320 0.7 96.3 802.00
1986 57,396 0.7 95.5 875.20 35,978 0.9 94.3 933.50 21,418 0.6 96.9 777.20
1985 51,207 0.7 96.2 856.70 32,691 0.8 95.1 908.60 18,516 0.5 97.4 765.00
1984 45,101 0.6 96.8 842.60 29,361 0.7 95.9 891.00 15,740 0.4 97.8 752.30
1983 36,724 0.5 97.2 840.60 24,584 0.6 96.5 887.00 12,140 0.3 98.1 746.80
1982 29,794 0.4 97.6 844.20 20,064 0.5 96.9 889.90 9,730 0.3 98.4 749.90
1981 25,057 0.3 98.0 874.30 16,893 0.4 97.4 918.70 8,164 0.2 98.6 782.50
1980 24,284 0.3 98.3 935.60 16,435 0.4 97.8 978.30 7,849 0.2 98.8 846.10
1979 21,492 0.3 98.5 1,097.90 14,370 0.4 98.1 1,146.30 7,122 0.2 99.0 1,000.40
1978 18,936 0.2 98.8 1,194.80 12,391 0.3 98.4 1,244.50 6,545 0.2 99.2 1,100.90
1977 18,058 0.2 99.0 1,147.30 12,074 0.3 98.7 1,190.60 5,984 0.2 99.4 1,060.00
1976 17,352 0.2 99.2 1,097.40 11,610 0.3 99.0 1,143.40 5,742 0.2 99.5 1,004.40
1975 15,563 0.2 99.4 1,049.10 10,480 0.3 99.2 1,084.50 5,083 0.1 99.7 976.10
1974 13,044 0.2 99.6 987.00 8,774 0.2 99.5 1,017.80 4,270 0.1 99.8 923.80
1973 10,148 0.1 99.7 937.20 6,889 0.2 99.6 955.60 3,259 0.1 99.9 898.40
1972 5,956 0.1 99.8 932.80 4,184 0.1 99.7 958.20 1,772 b 99.9 872.80
1971 5,053 0.1 99.9 908.60 3,686 0.1 99.8 927.40 1,367 b 99.9 857.90
1970 3,955 0.1 99.9 862.40 2,985 0.1 99.9 882.20 970 b 100.0 801.50
1969 2,854 b 100.0 815.80 2,277 0.1 99.9 826.30 577 b 100.0 774.50
1968 2,719 b 100.0 756.00 2,124 0.1 100.0 764.60 595 b 100.0 725.30
1967 138 b 100.0 807.10 115 b 100.0 799.00 23 b 100.0 847.60
1966 28 b 100.0 973.50 23 b 100.0 897.50 5 b 100.0 1,323.20
1965 6 b 100.0 797.10 4 b 100.0 875.00 2 b 100.0 641.30
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
. . . = not applicable.
a. Represents those entitled in specified year or later.
b. Less than 0.05 percent.
CONTACT: Boris Shargorodsky (410) 965-2832 or
Table 5.D2 Number and percentage distribution, by monthly benefit and sex, December 2009
Monthly benefit (dollars) Total Men Women
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All disabled workers 7,788,013 100.0 4,100,400 100.0 3,687,613 100.0
Less than 300.00 172,731 2.2 58,636 1.4 114,095 3.1
300.00–349.90 98,582 1.3 33,409 0.8 65,173 1.8
350.00–399.90 113,420 1.5 38,611 0.9 74,809 2.0
400.00–449.90 135,579 1.7 48,233 1.2 87,346 2.4
450.00–499.90 134,532 1.7 46,986 1.1 87,546 2.4
500.00–549.90 150,447 1.9 54,176 1.3 96,271 2.6
550.00–599.90 221,706 2.8 83,346 2.0 138,360 3.8
600.00–649.90 272,742 3.5 105,181 2.6 167,561 4.5
650.00–699.90 397,720 5.1 150,896 3.7 246,824 6.7
700.00–749.90 425,305 5.5 168,033 4.1 257,272 7.0
750.00–799.90 418,062 5.4 173,258 4.2 244,804 6.6
800.00–849.90 401,444 5.2 173,904 4.2 227,540 6.2
850.00–899.90 383,145 4.9 174,126 4.2 209,019 5.7
900.00–949.90 361,529 4.6 171,053 4.2 190,476 5.2
950.00–999.90 337,904 4.3 166,124 4.1 171,780 4.7
1,000.00–1,049.90 318,871 4.1 162,667 4.0 156,204 4.2
1,050.00–1,099.90 296,441 3.8 156,858 3.8 139,583 3.8
1,100.00–1,149.90 274,802 3.5 150,004 3.7 124,798 3.4
1,150.00–1,199.90 254,969 3.3 144,937 3.5 110,032 3.0
1,200.00–1,249.90 235,994 3.0 138,409 3.4 97,585 2.6
1,250.00–1,299.90 217,011 2.8 131,450 3.2 85,561 2.3
1,300.00–1,349.90 200,292 2.6 125,656 3.1 74,636 2.0
1,350.00–1,399.90 182,262 2.3 117,100 2.9 65,162 1.8
1,400.00–1,449.90 168,680 2.2 111,527 2.7 57,153 1.5
1,450.00–1,499.90 155,583 2.0 105,029 2.6 50,554 1.4
1,500.00–1,549.90 143,762 1.8 99,205 2.4 44,557 1.2
1,550.00–1,599.90 143,561 1.8 101,085 2.5 42,476 1.2
1,600.00–1,649.90 136,811 1.8 98,303 2.4 38,508 1.0
1,650.00–1,699.90 120,737 1.6 88,377 2.2 32,360 0.9
1,700.00–1,749.90 111,004 1.4 82,562 2.0 28,442 0.8
1,750.00–1,799.90 102,489 1.3 77,037 1.9 25,452 0.7
1,800.00–1,849.90 101,963 1.3 77,274 1.9 24,689 0.7
1,850.00–1,899.90 121,148 1.6 93,011 2.3 28,137 0.8
1,900.00–1,949.90 105,071 1.3 82,708 2.0 22,363 0.6
1,950.00–1,999.90 85,434 1.1 68,799 1.7 16,635 0.5
2,000.00 or more 286,280 3.7 242,430 5.9 43,850 1.2
Average benefit (dollars) 1,064.30 1,189.40 925.20
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
CONTACT: Boris Shargorodsky (410) 965-2832 or
Table 5.D3 Number and total monthly benefits, by sex, December 1957–2009, selected years
Year All disabled workers Men Women
Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars) Number Total monthly benefits (thousands of dollars)
1957 149,850 10,904 121,172 8,903 28,678 2,001
1958 237,719 19,516 189,883 16,138 47,836 3,378
1959 334,443 29,765 264,201 24,417 70,242 5,348
1960 455,371 40,668 356,277 33,034 99,094 7,633
1965 988,074 96,599 734,047 74,946 254,027 21,656
1970 1,492,948 196,010 1,068,986 148,194 423,962 47,819
1975 2,488,774 562,180 1,710,923 418,013 777,851 144,167
1980 2,858,680 1,059,792 1,928,030 784,266 930,650 275,525
1985 2,656,638 1,285,375 1,784,750 953,156 871,888 332,219
1986 2,728,463 1,331,144 1,826,835 985,003 901,628 346,141
1987 2,785,859 1,415,811 1,857,172 1,044,647 928,687 371,165
1988 2,830,284 1,498,637 1,876,878 1,101,675 953,406 396,962
1989 2,895,364 1,609,780 1,906,379 1,176,403 988,985 433,376
1990 3,011,294 1,768,313 1,967,408 1,283,579 1,043,886 484,735
1991 3,194,938 1,946,823 2,067,777 1,401,006 1,127,161 545,817
1992 3,467,783 2,171,080 2,219,789 1,546,924 1,247,994 624,156
1993 3,725,966 2,390,829 2,357,332 1,685,025 1,368,634 705,804
1994 3,962,954 2,620,982 2,473,061 1,824,195 1,489,893 796,787
1995 4,185,263 2,853,365 2,568,359 1,956,168 1,616,904 897,197
1996 4,385,623 3,087,223 2,644,454 2,083,123 1,741,169 1,004,100
1997 4,508,134 3,252,919 2,666,486 2,158,017 1,841,648 1,094,902
1998 4,698,319 3,444,259 2,737,296 2,252,129 1,961,023 1,192,130
1999 4,879,455 3,679,691 2,801,163 2,371,141 2,078,292 1,308,550
2000 5,042,334 3,965,304 2,856,411 2,521,252 2,185,923 1,444,052
2001 5,274,183 4,295,600 2,951,833 2,697,162 2,322,350 1,598,438
2002 5,543,981 4,625,445 3,070,001 2,872,308 2,473,980 1,753,137
2003 5,873,673 5,060,493 3,224,624 3,114,704 2,649,049 1,945,789
2004 6,198,271 5,542,045 3,373,723 3,381,312 2,824,548 2,160,733
2005 6,518,989 6,114,705 3,517,259 3,697,352 3,001,730 2,417,352
2006 6,806,918 6,655,048 3,643,121 3,998,054 3,163,797 2,656,994
2007 7,098,723 7,127,082 3,773,912 4,249,072 3,324,811 2,878,010
2008 7,426,691 7,895,536 3,924,524 4,672,826 3,502,167 3,222,710
2009 7,788,013 8,288,762 4,100,400 4,877,052 3,687,613 3,411,709
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
CONTACT: Boris Shargorodsky (410) 965-2832 or
Table 5.D4 Number, average age, and percentage distribution, by sex and age, December 1957–2009, selected years
Year Number (thousands) Average age Percentage distribution
Total, all ages Under 30 30–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–FRA
1957 121 59.4 100.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.5 29.9 51.6
1958 190 59.5 100.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.2 29.7 52.1
1959 264 59.3 100.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.0 30.7 50.3
1960 356 57.3 100.0 0.5 3.3 3.0 4.9 16.6 26.7 44.9
1965 734 54.4 100.0 1.0 7.5 7.6 10.4 15.4 24.7 33.3
1970 1,069 53.9 100.0 3.3 6.8 6.9 10.9 15.2 23.2 33.7
1975 1,711 53.5 100.0 4.6 7.5 6.2 9.7 15.8 23.2 33.0
1980 1,928 52.9 100.0 4.1 9.6 6.0 8.9 14.3 24.0 33.1
1985 1,785 51.9 100.0 4.6 12.3 7.3 8.6 12.9 21.4 32.9
1986 1,827 51.4 100.0 4.9 13.3 7.9 8.9 12.7 20.7 31.5
1987 1,857 51.1 100.0 4.8 13.8 8.5 9.4 12.5 20.1 30.8
1988 1,869 50.9 100.0 4.7 14.3 9.0 9.8 12.7 19.6 29.9
1989 1,906 50.7 100.0 4.5 14.7 9.6 10.3 12.7 19.4 28.8
1990 1,965 50.4 100.0 4.5 15.2 10.3 10.7 12.7 19.1 27.5
1991 2,066 50.1 100.0 4.5 15.6 10.7 11.2 13.0 18.6 26.4
1992 2,221 49.9 100.0 4.6 16.0 11.0 12.0 13.4 18.0 25.0
1993 2,358 49.6 100.0 4.6 16.2 11.2 12.3 13.9 17.9 23.9
1994 2,476 49.6 100.0 4.3 16.1 11.4 12.8 14.2 17.8 23.4
1995 2,573 49.7 100.0 4.0 15.5 11.5 13.4 14.5 18.0 23.2
1996 2,650 49.9 100.0 3.6 14.8 11.6 13.7 15.0 18.3 22.9
1997 2,671 50.2 100.0 3.3 13.9 11.6 13.6 15.7 18.9 23.0
1998 2,741 50.5 100.0 3.1 13.3 11.6 13.7 16.1 19.4 22.9
1999 2,802 50.6 100.0 2.9 12.6 11.6 13.8 16.7 19.7 22.9
2000 2,857 50.7 100.0 2.8 11.8 11.5 13.9 17.3 20.0 22.8
2001 2,952 50.9 100.0 2.9 11.2 11.1 14.0 17.4 20.5 23.0
2002 3,069 51.0 100.0 3.1 10.5 10.7 14.0 17.2 21.1 23.3
2003 3,226 51.3 100.0 3.2 9.9 10.4 13.8 17.1 21.4 24.2
2004 3,373 51.6 100.0 3.2 9.4 9.9 13.8 17.0 21.8 24.9
2005 3,517 51.9 100.0 3.2 8.9 9.4 13.5 17.0 22.4 25.7
2006 3,643 52.2 100.0 3.1 8.5 8.9 13.2 17.0 22.4 27.0
2007 3,774 52.5 100.0 3.1 8.2 8.3 12.8 17.0 21.9 28.6
2008 3,925 52.7 100.0 3.1 8.1 7.9 12.4 17.1 21.7 29.8
2009 4,100 52.8 100.0 3.1 8.1 7.5 12.2 17.2 21.8 30.1
1957 29 57.9 100.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.6 39.2 35.2
1958 48 58.2 100.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.8 37.5 38.6
1959 70 58.4 100.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.4 36.8 39.7
1960 99 56.7 100.0 0.3 3.2 3.2 5.3 19.4 31.4 37.2
1965 254 55.2 100.0 0.6 5.4 6.3 9.8 16.2 27.3 34.3
1970 424 55.0 100.0 1.9 5.1 5.6 10.1 15.9 26.0 35.3
1975 778 54.4 100.0 3.3 6.1 5.3 9.0 16.3 25.5 34.5
1980 931 53.7 100.0 3.4 8.2 5.3 8.2 14.4 25.4 35.0
1985 872 52.6 100.0 3.8 11.2 6.9 8.3 12.9 22.3 34.6
1986 902 52.0 100.0 4.1 12.1 7.6 8.8 12.9 21.6 32.9
1987 929 51.7 100.0 4.2 12.7 8.2 9.4 12.9 20.9 31.7
1988 952 51.4 100.0 4.0 13.1 8.7 9.9 13.2 20.6 30.5
1989 989 51.1 100.0 4.0 13.5 9.2 10.6 13.4 20.1 29.2
1990 1,046 50.8 100.0 3.9 14.0 9.8 11.1 13.4 19.9 27.9
1991 1,133 50.5 100.0 4.0 14.3 10.3 11.6 13.8 19.4 26.5
1992 1,252 50.1 100.0 4.3 14.6 10.7 12.2 14.3 18.8 25.0
1993 1,371 49.9 100.0 4.3 14.9 11.0 12.6 14.8 18.9 23.5
1994 1,491 49.9 100.0 4.1 14.8 11.2 13.1 15.3 18.7 22.8
1995 1,614 49.9 100.0 3.8 14.5 11.5 13.6 15.7 18.8 22.2
1996 1,736 50.0 100.0 3.4 14.1 11.6 13.9 16.2 19.0 21.7
1997 1,835 50.2 100.0 3.1 13.3 11.6 14.0 16.8 19.6 21.5
1998 1,956 50.5 100.0 3.0 12.8 11.5 14.2 17.0 20.0 21.6
1999 2,071 50.5 100.0 2.8 12.1 11.5 14.3 17.5 20.4 21.5
2000 2,179 50.7 100.0 2.7 11.5 11.3 14.5 17.9 20.7 21.5
2001 2,313 50.8 100.0 2.7 11.1 11.1 14.4 18.0 21.1 21.6
2002 2,467 50.9 100.0 2.7 10.6 10.8 14.4 17.8 21.5 22.1
2003 2,642 51.2 100.0 3.0 10.1 10.4 14.2 17.7 21.5 23.1
2004 2,819 51.5 100.0 3.0 9.7 10.0 14.1 17.6 21.8 23.8
2005 2,993 51.7 100.0 2.9 9.2 9.6 13.8 17.7 22.3 24.5
2006 3,164 52.0 100.0 2.8 9.0 9.2 13.5 17.6 22.2 25.7
2007 3,325 52.3 100.0 2.7 8.8 8.7 13.2 17.6 21.8 27.2
2008 3,502 52.5 100.0 2.6 8.6 8.2 12.9 17.6 21.7 28.3
2009 3,688 52.6 100.0 2.6 8.6 7.9 12.7 17.7 22.0 28.4
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record. Data for 1988 and 1990–2005 are based on a 10 percent sample. All other years are 100 percent data.
NOTES: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
FRA = full retirement age.
. . . = not applicable.
CONTACT: Boris Shargorodsky (410) 965-2832 or