Annual Statistical Supplement, 2011

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Representative Payee

Table 5.L1 Number of beneficiaries with a representative payee as a percentage of all beneficiaries, by type of beneficiary and age, December 2010
Type of beneficiary and age All beneficiaries Beneficiaries with representative payee
Number Percentage of all beneficiaries
Total 54,031,968 5,487,901 10.2
Adults 49,719,414 1,562,340 3.1
Retired workers 34,593,080 472,404 1.4
Under 65 3,432,082 7,057 0.2
65–74 17,125,797 158,567 0.9
75–84 10,039,263 147,968 1.5
85 or older 3,995,938 158,812 4.0
Disabled workers 8,203,951 927,994 11.3
Under 35 516,818 164,107 31.8
35–44 1,009,506 179,756 17.8
45–54 2,424,569 284,693 11.7
55–FRA 4,253,058 299,438 7.0
Wives and husbands 2,476,836 22,901 0.9
Under 65 369,089 2,901 0.8
65–74 1,191,813 9,499 0.8
75–84 755,965 7,419 1.0
85 or older 159,969 3,082 1.9
Widow(er)s a 4,200,594 123,759 2.9
Under 65 612,737 2,662 0.4
65–74 1,145,470 18,432 1.6
75–84 1,362,487 39,697 2.9
85 or older 1,079,900 62,968 5.8
Disabled widow(er)s 244,953 15,282 6.2
Under 55 33,837 2,256 6.7
55–FRA 211,116 13,026 6.2
Children 4,312,554 3,925,561 91.0
Under age 18 3,208,791 3,206,226 99.9
In custody of parent payee 2,877,565 2,877,565 100.0
Not in custody of parent payee 331,226 328,661 99.2
Disabled adult children 949,200 713,592 75.2
Under 35 286,723 200,447 69.9
35–44 208,840 148,462 71.1
45–54 238,424 185,269 77.7
55 or older 215,213 179,414 83.4
Students, aged 18–19 154,563 5,743 3.7
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FRA = full retirement age.
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
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