Annual Statistical Supplement, 2012

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

With Representative Payee

Table 5.L1 Number of beneficiaries with a representative payee as a percentage of all beneficiaries, by type of beneficiary and age, December 2011
Type of beneficiary and age All beneficiaries Beneficiaries with representative payee
Number Percentage of all beneficiaries
Total 55,404,480 5,574,302 10.1
Adults 51,029,029 1,595,094 3.1
Retired workers 35,599,569 483,708 1.4
Under 65 3,450,785 7,190 0.2
65–74 17,869,352 166,113 0.9
75–84 10,184,136 149,374 1.5
85 or older 4,095,296 161,031 3.9
Disabled workers 8,575,544 950,548 11.1
Under 35 529,894 165,992 31.3
35–44 1,024,086 181,441 17.7
45–54 2,474,076 285,970 11.6
55–FRA 4,547,488 317,145 7.0
Wives and husbands 2,455,822 23,286 0.9
Under 65 355,817 2,834 0.8
65–74 1,197,156 9,792 0.8
75–84 740,749 7,500 1.0
85 or older 162,100 3,160 1.9
Widow(er)s a 4,147,083 122,243 2.9
Under 65 608,141 2,694 0.4
65–74 1,149,150 18,355 1.6
75–84 1,307,598 38,423 2.9
85 or older 1,082,194 62,771 5.8
Disabled widow(er)s 251,011 15,309 6.1
Under 55 34,776 2,315 6.7
55–FRA 216,235 12,994 6.0
Children 4,375,451 3,979,208 90.9
Under age 18 3,245,279 3,242,712 99.9
In custody of parent payee 2,911,641 2,911,641 100.0
Not in custody of parent payee 333,638 331,071 99.2
Disabled adult children 977,026 730,964 74.8
Under 35 304,525 212,631 69.8
35–44 209,172 147,301 70.4
45–54 239,732 185,146 77.2
55 or older 223,597 185,886 83.1
Students, aged 18–19 153,146 5,532 3.6
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FRA = full retirement age.
a. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
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