Annual Statistical Supplement, 2013

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Direct Deposit

Table 5.K1 Number and percentage of beneficiaries and average monthly benefit, by state or other area and direct deposit status, December 2012
State or area All beneficiaries Beneficiaries using direct deposit Beneficiaries not using direct deposit
Number Average monthly benefit (dollars) Number Percentage of all beneficiaries Average monthly benefit (dollars) Number Percentage of all beneficiaries Average monthly benefit (dollars)
All areas 56,758,185 1,152.79 54,022,769 95.2 1,166.64 2,735,416 4.8 879.23
Alabama 1,060,625 1,101.79 997,417 94.0 1,118.50 63,208 6.0 838.10
Alaska 84,875 1,095.20 80,126 94.4 1,111.41 4,749 5.6 821.74
Arizona 1,141,080 1,192.47 1,108,308 97.1 1,202.81 32,772 2.9 842.59
Arkansas 657,759 1,069.95 619,447 94.2 1,085.74 38,312 5.8 814.65
California 5,280,104 1,151.42 5,036,268 95.4 1,163.20 243,836 4.6 908.15
Colorado 748,595 1,163.47 716,901 95.8 1,174.75 31,694 4.2 908.16
Connecticut 640,252 1,283.44 604,786 94.5 1,297.69 35,466 5.5 1,040.37
Delaware 182,065 1,250.59 175,189 96.2 1,263.20 6,876 3.8 929.44
District of Columbia 77,277 1,057.03 72,145 93.4 1,074.61 5,132 6.6 809.87
Florida 4,004,631 1,167.30 3,888,281 97.1 1,176.80 116,350 2.9 849.80
Georgia 1,582,070 1,135.07 1,497,966 94.7 1,150.52 84,104 5.3 859.77
Hawaii 240,456 1,173.15 230,212 95.7 1,185.14 10,244 4.3 903.71
Idaho 288,285 1,131.48 277,779 96.4 1,141.15 10,506 3.6 875.81
Illinois 2,102,955 1,194.84 2,009,121 95.5 1,206.82 93,834 4.5 938.29
Indiana 1,244,610 1,201.54 1,188,518 95.5 1,214.06 56,092 4.5 936.22
Iowa 600,699 1,166.15 581,090 96.7 1,175.72 19,609 3.3 882.61
Kansas 507,529 1,185.05 485,891 95.7 1,197.57 21,638 4.3 903.79
Kentucky 930,152 1,072.74 869,077 93.4 1,090.20 61,075 6.6 824.37
Louisiana 826,385 1,048.08 765,418 92.6 1,068.35 60,967 7.4 793.55
Maine 314,392 1,071.30 298,203 94.9 1,085.09 16,189 5.1 817.28
Maryland 895,225 1,212.04 851,794 95.1 1,225.21 43,431 4.9 953.74
Massachusetts 1,185,319 1,173.22 1,116,622 94.2 1,188.17 68,697 5.8 930.21
Michigan 2,061,941 1,228.67 1,976,518 95.9 1,242.00 85,423 4.1 920.07
Minnesota 927,488 1,195.92 893,531 96.3 1,206.91 33,957 3.7 906.78
Mississippi 621,969 1,054.36 571,834 91.9 1,077.18 50,135 8.1 794.10
Missouri 1,212,555 1,133.66 1,151,231 94.9 1,147.12 61,324 5.1 880.98
Montana 203,292 1,108.80 193,506 95.2 1,121.14 9,786 4.8 864.81
Nebraska 317,488 1,152.66 304,495 95.9 1,164.10 12,993 4.1 884.46
Nevada 442,298 1,179.67 423,512 95.8 1,189.44 18,786 4.2 959.43
New Hampshire 271,189 1,206.63 259,395 95.7 1,219.93 11,794 4.3 914.13
New Jersey 1,525,539 1,293.44 1,447,089 94.9 1,307.01 78,450 5.1 1,043.14
New Mexico 382,362 1,075.22 361,462 94.5 1,094.21 20,900 5.5 746.76
New York 3,394,475 1,208.76 3,200,485 94.3 1,223.85 193,990 5.7 959.71
North Carolina 1,859,584 1,153.46 1,760,483 94.7 1,170.04 99,101 5.3 859.00
North Dakota 122,104 1,094.33 116,189 95.2 1,106.24 5,915 4.8 860.38
Ohio 2,204,313 1,146.36 2,082,877 94.5 1,159.32 121,436 5.5 924.15
Oklahoma 730,060 1,109.08 692,814 94.9 1,124.55 37,246 5.1 821.44
Oregon 757,029 1,180.46 735,162 97.1 1,188.27 21,867 2.9 918.01
Pennsylvania 2,660,380 1,194.53 2,544,536 95.6 1,205.60 115,844 4.4 951.43
Rhode Island 210,975 1,169.41 199,814 94.7 1,184.65 11,161 5.3 896.61
South Carolina 986,228 1,155.14 935,265 94.8 1,172.27 50,963 5.2 840.82
South Dakota 159,454 1,095.98 153,195 96.1 1,107.55 6,259 3.9 812.89
Tennessee 1,322,097 1,126.51 1,253,559 94.8 1,141.39 68,538 5.2 854.30
Texas 3,657,910 1,109.96 3,474,893 95.0 1,125.92 183,017 5.0 807.05
Utah 346,961 1,162.76 334,278 96.3 1,172.89 12,683 3.7 895.75
Vermont 135,597 1,148.29 129,075 95.2 1,162.19 6,522 4.8 873.30
Virginia 1,353,738 1,171.30 1,281,728 94.7 1,186.62 72,010 5.3 898.62
Washington 1,164,430 1,211.86 1,129,841 97.0 1,221.15 34,589 3.0 908.58
West Virginia 455,850 1,110.66 417,205 91.5 1,129.67 38,645 8.5 905.49
Wisconsin 1,110,160 1,196.79 1,073,338 96.7 1,206.48 36,822 3.3 914.25
Wyoming 96,294 1,176.08 91,765 95.3 1,188.78 4,529 4.7 918.78
Outlying areas  
Puerto Rico 838,108 780.20 781,634 93.3 797.68 56,474 6.7 538.35
Other a 630,977 636.27 581,501 92.2 642.63 49,476 7.8 561.61
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, and foreign countries.
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