Annual Statistical Supplement, 2020

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

Direct Deposit

Table 5.K1 Number and percentage of beneficiaries and average monthly benefit, by state or other area and direct deposit status, December 2019
State or area All beneficiaries Beneficiaries using direct deposit Beneficiaries not using direct deposit
Number Average monthly benefit (dollars) Number Percentage of all beneficiaries Average monthly benefit (dollars) Number Percentage of all beneficiaries Average monthly benefit (dollars)
All areas 64,064,496 1,381.79 63,444,116 99.0 1,386.52 620,380 1.0 898.06
Alabama 1,159,320 1,327.93 1,145,695 98.8 1,333.42 13,625 1.2 866.79
Alaska 104,568 1,332.14 103,253 98.7 1,337.70 1,315 1.3 895.99
Arizona 1,399,403 1,430.82 1,389,887 99.3 1,434.59 9,516 0.7 880.27
Arkansas 703,896 1,285.73 696,114 98.9 1,290.72 7,782 1.1 839.24
California 6,070,395 1,369.21 6,010,781 99.0 1,373.61 59,614 1.0 925.15
Colorado 897,886 1,420.79 890,289 99.2 1,424.79 7,597 0.8 951.96
Connecticut 689,996 1,538.30 682,509 98.9 1,543.70 7,487 1.1 1,045.99
Delaware 219,490 1,521.07 218,018 99.3 1,524.67 1,472 0.7 987.07
District of Columbia 83,899 1,335.95 82,700 98.6 1,343.04 1,199 1.4 847.18
Florida 4,747,364 1,394.87 4,712,283 99.3 1,398.62 35,081 0.7 891.02
Georgia 1,871,862 1,355.10 1,851,220 98.9 1,360.38 20,642 1.1 881.59
Hawaii 277,013 1,411.37 274,561 99.1 1,415.55 2,452 0.9 942.83
Idaho 358,633 1,366.33 355,937 99.2 1,369.68 2,696 0.8 924.45
Illinois 2,267,082 1,419.97 2,245,149 99.0 1,424.72 21,933 1.0 934.17
Indiana 1,370,231 1,428.92 1,357,671 99.1 1,433.42 12,560 0.9 943.13
Iowa 657,019 1,402.33 652,151 99.3 1,406.04 4,868 0.7 905.37
Kansas 561,634 1,430.25 556,705 99.1 1,434.76 4,929 0.9 921.30
Kentucky 1,001,700 1,289.83 990,455 98.9 1,295.23 11,245 1.1 814.30
Louisiana 922,223 1,257.06 909,162 98.6 1,263.32 13,061 1.4 821.39
Maine 349,962 1,301.80 346,189 98.9 1,307.22 3,773 1.1 804.04
Maryland 1,020,436 1,480.74 1,009,958 99.0 1,485.87 10,478 1.0 985.68
Massachusetts 1,287,830 1,427.27 1,271,837 98.8 1,433.37 15,993 1.2 942.04
Michigan 2,236,852 1,452.82 2,219,477 99.2 1,457.18 17,375 0.8 895.75
Minnesota 1,053,166 1,456.36 1,046,137 99.3 1,459.65 7,029 0.7 966.24
Mississippi 677,464 1,266.58 667,202 98.5 1,273.45 10,262 1.5 819.89
Missouri 1,312,639 1,355.52 1,299,799 99.0 1,360.22 12,840 1.0 879.26
Montana 239,410 1,334.99 237,064 99.0 1,339.35 2,346 1.0 895.00
Nebraska 352,880 1,397.08 349,941 99.2 1,401.01 2,939 0.8 928.91
Nevada 552,219 1,384.49 547,918 99.2 1,387.76 4,301 0.8 967.63
New Hampshire 312,043 1,482.15 309,746 99.3 1,486.43 2,297 0.7 904.94
New Jersey 1,646,792 1,542.09 1,629,755 99.0 1,547.15 17,037 1.0 1,057.86
New Mexico 445,742 1,297.78 440,786 98.9 1,303.52 4,956 1.1 787.39
New York 3,667,022 1,429.15 3,620,772 98.7 1,434.93 46,250 1.3 976.48
North Carolina 2,144,804 1,389.96 2,124,643 99.1 1,394.75 20,161 0.9 885.80
North Dakota 136,520 1,346.91 135,396 99.2 1,350.83 1,124 0.8 874.79
Ohio 2,386,362 1,354.06 2,363,393 99.0 1,358.61 22,969 1.0 886.73
Oklahoma 802,326 1,334.98 792,990 98.8 1,340.45 9,336 1.2 870.50
Oregon 891,726 1,410.25 885,232 99.3 1,413.69 6,494 0.7 941.69
Pennsylvania 2,861,155 1,433.59 2,837,621 99.2 1,437.77 23,534 0.8 930.07
Rhode Island 228,257 1,412.12 226,051 99.0 1,417.01 2,206 1.0 910.82
South Carolina 1,174,399 1,401.02 1,164,225 99.1 1,405.75 10,174 0.9 860.35
South Dakota 182,793 1,342.41 181,396 99.2 1,346.67 1,397 0.8 790.10
Tennessee 1,478,145 1,356.84 1,464,641 99.1 1,361.34 13,504 0.9 868.63
Texas 4,338,301 1,340.78 4,292,303 98.9 1,345.77 45,998 1.1 875.01
Utah 419,037 1,418.26 415,279 99.1 1,422.51 3,758 0.9 948.47
Vermont 153,124 1,397.38 151,686 99.1 1,402.44 1,438 0.9 863.46
Virginia 1,559,858 1,430.87 1,545,537 99.1 1,435.44 14,321 0.9 938.02
Washington 1,376,287 1,466.00 1,367,105 99.3 1,469.64 9,182 0.7 923.84
West Virginia 478,209 1,323.13 472,787 98.9 1,328.34 5,422 1.1 869.26
Wisconsin 1,257,850 1,433.48 1,250,197 99.4 1,436.65 7,653 0.6 915.81
Wyoming 115,406 1,430.48 114,305 99.0 1,434.92 1,101 1.0 969.70
Outlying areas  
American Samoa 6,168 770.32 5,912 95.8 785.06 256 4.2 430.04
Guam 18,768 930.88 18,627 99.2 933.90 141 0.8 531.91
Northern Mariana Islands 3,188 710.77 3,179 99.7 711.56 9 0.3 431.40
Puerto Rico 828,099 923.06 818,727 98.9 927.12 9,372 1.1 568.59
U.S. Virgin Islands 21,939 1,218.21 21,689 98.9 1,223.36 250 1.1 771.10
Foreign countries 682,888 715.44 669,265 98.0 717.94 13,623 2.0 592.54
Unknown 816 1,330.79 809 99.1 1,333.77 7 0.9 986.17
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
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