Annual Statistical Supplement, 2022

Supplemental Security Income

State Data

Table 7.B1 Number of recipients of federally administered payments, December 2021, and total payment amounts for calendar year 2021, by eligibility category and state or other area
State or area Number Total payments (thousands of dollars) a
Total Aged Blind Disabled Total Aged Blind Disabled
All areas 7,695,900 1,115,724 65,587 6,514,589 55,537,967 6,098,862 479,519 48,959,586
Alabama 150,729 7,132 945 142,652 1,047,028 26,584 6,246 1,014,198
Alaska 11,791 1,686 78 10,027 81,663 7,096 524 74,043
Arizona 114,713 17,252 1,136 96,325 822,872 85,114 8,195 729,563
Arkansas 98,935 4,351 669 93,915 702,826 14,539 4,468 683,819
California 1,147,421 334,858 15,223 797,340 9,168,302 2,159,839 131,254 6,877,209
Colorado 69,898 10,772 542 58,584 490,380 55,538 3,855 430,987
Connecticut 65,924 7,406 441 58,077 466,697 37,170 3,118 426,408
Delaware 16,311 1,291 110 14,910 120,713 6,462 810 113,442
District of Columbia 24,227 2,248 143 21,836 184,063 11,223 973 171,867
Florida 559,653 143,666 3,642 412,345 3,904,709 822,434 25,346 3,056,928
Georgia 252,273 25,450 2,183 224,640 1,781,144 109,275 15,010 1,656,859
Hawaii 21,867 5,155 184 16,528 161,893 28,515 1,272 132,106
Idaho 29,425 1,644 246 27,535 206,741 7,092 1,690 197,959
Illinois 251,720 29,099 2,317 220,304 1,829,620 155,525 16,675 1,657,420
Indiana 124,002 5,794 949 117,259 912,913 26,795 6,407 879,711
Iowa 50,157 2,967 597 46,593 347,330 12,794 3,775 330,761
Kansas 46,419 2,785 364 43,270 328,333 12,944 2,504 312,885
Kentucky 161,145 8,353 1,052 151,740 1,131,411 33,714 7,242 1,090,455
Louisiana 164,118 10,036 1,309 152,773 1,166,380 39,389 8,709 1,118,283
Maine 34,894 1,733 205 32,956 236,937 6,519 1,391 229,027
Maryland 117,167 15,106 783 101,278 862,933 81,231 5,568 776,135
Massachusetts 172,755 24,412 1,989 146,354 1,199,712 137,350 12,914 1,049,447
Michigan 256,734 18,915 1,684 236,135 1,883,648 103,150 11,919 1,768,579
Minnesota 89,382 10,963 708 77,711 654,975 67,471 5,280 582,223
Mississippi 110,306 6,890 957 102,459 755,683 22,138 6,428 727,118
Missouri 131,072 6,766 988 123,318 909,724 29,836 6,666 873,223
Montana 16,931 1,454 138 15,339 113,545 5,709 947 106,890
Nebraska 28,749 2,420 250 26,079 196,606 11,080 1,739 183,787
Nevada 54,642 14,654 675 39,313 403,144 79,004 5,491 318,649
New Hampshire 17,333 831 128 16,374 117,506 3,935 792 112,779
New Jersey 167,806 34,270 854 132,682 1,168,849 182,567 5,803 980,479
New Mexico 58,427 7,397 477 50,553 398,558 30,484 3,208 364,867
New York 583,874 109,508 2,966 471,400 4,103,797 572,302 20,679 3,510,816
North Carolina 221,312 16,299 1,871 203,142 1,536,997 64,083 12,727 1,460,187
North Dakota 8,017 595 71 7,351 53,313 3,120 409 49,784
Ohio 297,315 16,519 2,049 278,747 2,170,530 84,946 14,381 2,071,204
Oklahoma 94,123 5,838 722 87,563 669,538 21,971 4,970 642,597
Oregon 85,288 9,289 584 75,415 616,101 47,201 4,027 564,873
Pennsylvania 335,421 24,562 2,074 308,785 2,473,878 127,624 14,554 2,331,701
Rhode Island 31,216 3,211 170 27,835 219,304 15,651 1,066 202,587
South Carolina 109,717 7,263 1,225 101,229 769,647 27,324 8,420 733,903
South Dakota 14,079 1,515 141 12,423 96,007 7,133 1,012 87,862
Tennessee 166,732 10,096 1,503 155,133 1,183,896 40,273 10,613 1,133,010
Texas 607,456 96,466 6,548 504,442 4,126,393 428,409 45,007 3,652,976
Utah 30,602 2,704 277 27,621 218,105 14,259 1,851 201,995
Vermont 14,573 882 70 13,621 101,935 4,134 439 97,362
Virginia 151,138 16,928 1,147 133,063 1,061,297 87,329 7,861 966,108
Washington 141,350 17,256 865 123,229 1,048,671 101,842 6,173 940,655
West Virginia 66,493 2,164 422 63,907 472,485 8,218 2,841 461,426
Wisconsin 112,411 6,364 853 105,194 804,682 28,474 5,866 770,342
Wyoming 6,830 350 53 6,427 46,519 1,172 333 45,013
Outlying area  
Northern Mariana Islands 1,027 159 10 858 8,034 879 72 7,083
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Office of Financial Policy and Operations; and Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
a. Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 7.B3 Number of recipients of federally administered payments and average monthly payment, by type of payment and state or other area, December 2021
State or area Federal SSI State supplementation
Number Average monthly payment (dollars) Number Average monthly payment (dollars)
All areas 7,563,772 568.13 a 1,364,364 a 145.08
Alabama 150,729 558.17 . . . . . .
Alaska 11,787 546.50 . . . . . .
Arizona 114,713 574.76 . . . . . .
Arkansas 98,935 571.43 . . . . . .
California 1,024,860 549.21 1,146,487 161.79
Colorado 69,898 563.14 . . . . . .
Connecticut 65,924 574.38 . . . . . .
Delaware 16,264 585.50 507 133.95
District of Columbia 24,122 606.08 894 377.77
Florida 559,653 567.70 . . . . . .
Georgia 252,273 565.54 . . . . . .
Hawaii 20,889 554.03 2,347 483.61
Idaho 29,425 564.18 . . . . . .
Illinois 251,720 586.11 . . . . . .
Indiana 124,002 580.90 . . . . . .
Iowa 49,994 555.95 1,044 230.73
Kansas 46,419 568.08 . . . . . .
Kentucky 161,145 569.38 . . . . . .
Louisiana 164,118 577.24 . . . . . .
Maine 34,894 551.64 . . . . . .
Maryland 117,167 594.15 . . . . . .
Massachusetts 172,755 570.89 . . . . . .
Michigan 255,533 590.80 10,660 120.22
Minnesota 89,382 590.18 . . . . . .
Mississippi 110,306 553.18 . . . . . .
Missouri 131,072 559.71 . . . . . .
Montana 16,889 536.35 680 84.34
Nebraska 28,749 553.03 . . . . . .
Nevada 54,173 580.12 15,367 42.63
New Hampshire 17,333 544.45 . . . . . .
New Jersey 163,597 544.02 167,105 37.28
New Mexico 58,427 548.28 . . . . . .
New York 583,874 575.48 . . . . . .
North Carolina 221,312 556.50 . . . . . .
North Dakota 8,017 530.70 . . . . . .
Ohio 297,315 590.39 . . . . . .
Oklahoma 94,123 571.53 . . . . . .
Oregon 85,288 576.08 . . . . . .
Pennsylvania 333,952 595.82 4,208 370.04
Rhode Island 31,095 572.34 334 280.29
South Carolina 109,717 557.47 . . . . . .
South Dakota 14,079 542.73 . . . . . .
Tennessee 166,732 565.69 . . . . . .
Texas 607,456 550.84 . . . . . .
Utah 30,602 566.99 . . . . . .
Vermont 13,814 549.19 14,547 53.69
Virginia 151,138 569.92 . . . . . .
Washington 141,350 591.23 . . . . . .
West Virginia 66,493 574.91 . . . . . .
Wisconsin 112,411 578.77 . . . . . .
Wyoming 6,830 548.06 . . . . . .
Outlying area  
Northern Mariana Islands 1,027 657.62 . . . . . .
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: SSI = Supplemental Security Income; . . . = not applicable.
a. Includes recipients and payments not assigned to a specific state or other area.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 7.B7 Total federally administered payment amounts, by type of payment and state or other area, 2021 (in thousands of dollars)
State or area Total Federal SSI Federally administered state supplementation
All areas 55,537,967 53,124,403 2,413,564
Alabama 1,047,028 1,047,028 . . .
Alaska 81,663 81,663 . . .
Arizona 822,872 822,872 . . .
Arkansas 702,826 702,826 . . .
California 9,168,302 6,910,818 2,257,484
Colorado 490,380 490,380 . . .
Connecticut 466,697 466,697 . . .
Delaware 120,713 119,879 835
District of Columbia 184,063 179,648 4,415
Florida 3,904,709 3,904,709 . . .
Georgia 1,781,144 1,781,144 . . .
Hawaii 161,893 145,013 16,880
Idaho 206,741 206,741 . . .
Illinois 1,829,620 1,829,620 . . .
Indiana 912,913 912,913 . . .
Iowa 347,330 344,384 2,946
Kansas 328,333 328,333 . . .
Kentucky 1,131,411 1,131,411 . . .
Louisiana 1,166,380 1,166,380 . . .
Maine 236,937 236,937 . . .
Maryland 862,933 862,933 . . .
Massachusetts 1,199,712 1,199,712 . . .
Michigan 1,883,648 1,868,259 15,389
Minnesota 654,975 654,975 . . .
Mississippi 755,683 755,683 . . .
Missouri 909,724 909,724 . . .
Montana 113,545 112,869 676
Nebraska 196,606 196,606 . . .
Nevada 403,144 395,016 8,127
New Hampshire 117,506 117,506 . . .
New Jersey 1,168,849 1,092,579 76,270
New Mexico 398,558 398,558 . . .
New York 4,103,797 4,103,797 . . .
North Carolina 1,536,997 1,536,997 . . .
North Dakota 53,313 53,313 . . .
Ohio 2,170,530 2,170,530 . . .
Oklahoma 669,538 669,538 . . .
Oregon 616,101 616,101 . . .
Pennsylvania 2,473,878 2,454,653 19,225
Rhode Island 219,304 217,463 1,840
South Carolina 769,647 769,647 . . .
South Dakota 96,007 96,007 . . .
Tennessee 1,183,896 1,183,896 . . .
Texas 4,126,393 4,126,393 . . .
Utah 218,105 218,105 . . .
Vermont 101,935 92,459 9,476
Virginia 1,061,297 1,061,297 . . .
Washington 1,048,671 1,048,671 . . .
West Virginia 472,485 472,485 . . .
Wisconsin 804,682 804,682 . . .
Wyoming 46,519 46,519 . . .
Outlying area  
Northern Mariana Islands 8,034 8,034 . . .
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Office of Financial Policy and Operations; and Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Totals do not necessarily equal the sum of rounded components.
SSI = Supplemental Security Income; . . . = not applicable.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 7.B8 Number of blind and disabled recipients of federally administered payments who are under age 18, by state or other area, December 2021
State or area Total Blind Disabled
All areas 1,038,149 5,339 1,032,810
Alabama 19,353 75 19,278
Alaska 1,050 8 1,042
Arizona 15,475 138 15,337
Arkansas 22,026 72 21,954
California 87,595 613 86,982
Colorado 7,644 61 7,583
Connecticut 8,261 28 8,233
Delaware 2,905 (X) (X)
District of Columbia 3,315 4 3,311
Florida 91,090 310 90,780
Georgia 41,982 272 41,710
Hawaii 1,121 14 1,107
Idaho 4,210 25 4,185
Illinois 31,981 180 31,801
Indiana 20,324 77 20,247
Iowa 7,822 69 7,753
Kansas 8,168 46 8,122
Kentucky 22,355 91 22,264
Louisiana 29,477 109 29,368
Maine 3,464 21 3,443
Maryland 17,484 54 17,430
Massachusetts 19,308 177 19,131
Michigan 31,810 143 31,667
Minnesota 10,381 52 10,329
Mississippi 17,447 62 17,385
Missouri 18,431 88 18,343
Montana 1,886 22 1,864
Nebraska 3,914 19 3,895
Nevada 8,628 68 8,560
New Hampshire 1,857 17 1,840
New Jersey 22,176 55 22,121
New Mexico 6,992 55 6,937
New York 71,999 239 71,760
North Carolina 32,933 150 32,783
North Dakota 1,067 7 1,060
Ohio 41,113 215 40,898
Oklahoma 14,092 97 13,995
Oregon 9,232 52 9,180
Pennsylvania 53,192 180 53,012
Rhode Island 3,332 12 3,320
South Carolina 16,358 141 16,217
South Dakota 2,138 17 2,121
Tennessee 21,789 129 21,660
Texas 113,967 740 113,227
Utah 4,369 31 4,338
Vermont 1,240 9 1,231
Virginia 20,612 95 20,517
Washington 14,435 83 14,352
West Virginia 6,345 33 6,312
Wisconsin 18,963 76 18,887
Wyoming 816 (X) (X)
Outlying area  
Northern Mariana Islands 225 0 225
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or
Table 7.B9 Number of federally administered awards, by eligibility category, age, and state or other area, 2021
State or area Total Category Age
Aged Blind Disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older a
All areas 526,327 93,709 4,668 427,950 110,328 320,468 95,531
Alabama 9,835 686 125 9,024 1,956 7,152 727
Alaska 875 200 5 670 108 564 203
Arizona 8,290 1,798 89 6,403 1,524 4,937 1,829
Arkansas 6,867 394 50 6,423 1,888 4,570 409
California 64,079 24,633 466 38,980 8,782 30,341 24,956
Colorado 5,532 1,138 29 4,365 975 3,401 1,156
Connecticut 5,264 941 31 4,292 954 3,351 959
Delaware 1,214 145 14 1,055 263 806 145
District of Columbia 1,729 350 15 1,364 341 1,024 364
Florida 42,206 12,083 375 29,748 9,388 20,582 12,236
Georgia 20,917 2,429 228 18,260 4,814 13,591 2,512
Hawaii 1,719 474 18 1,227 131 1,105 483
Idaho 2,096 183 28 1,885 489 1,420 187
Illinois 17,796 2,508 140 15,148 3,837 11,387 2,572
Indiana 11,536 601 95 10,840 2,496 8,415 625
Iowa 4,619 254 48 4,317 1,217 3,139 263
Kansas 4,522 294 38 4,190 1,333 2,885 304
Kentucky 10,005 719 74 9,212 2,478 6,779 748
Louisiana 11,009 800 87 10,122 3,206 6,970 833
Maine 1,995 193 14 1,788 363 1,433 199
Maryland 8,688 1,520 78 7,090 1,855 5,280 1,553
Massachusetts 8,639 2,231 67 6,341 1,786 4,594 2,259
Michigan 16,022 1,814 109 14,099 3,437 10,722 1,863
Minnesota 6,377 933 36 5,408 1,135 4,291 951
Mississippi 8,340 644 102 7,594 1,870 5,795 675
Missouri 11,391 775 120 10,496 2,526 8,062 803
Montana 1,384 183 10 1,191 195 999 190
Nebraska 2,814 273 21 2,520 640 1,892 282
Nevada 4,290 948 37 3,305 810 2,520 960
New Hampshire 1,563 112 10 1,441 185 1,264 114
New Jersey 11,428 2,750 96 8,582 2,590 6,068 2,770
New Mexico 3,224 498 27 2,699 692 2,018 514
New York 32,931 9,285 233 23,413 6,711 16,787 9,433
North Carolina 16,875 1,695 195 14,985 3,537 11,589 1,749
North Dakota 711 67 4 640 149 492 70
Ohio 21,670 1,542 160 19,968 4,852 15,232 1,586
Oklahoma 7,190 629 71 6,490 1,380 5,152 658
Oregon 6,300 671 24 5,605 1,045 4,562 693
Pennsylvania 20,495 2,804 160 17,531 5,157 12,484 2,854
Rhode Island 1,978 354 15 1,609 358 1,262 358
South Carolina 8,981 722 120 8,139 1,692 6,530 759
South Dakota 1,343 131 11 1,201 318 893 132
Tennessee 13,487 1,035 128 12,324 3,208 9,199 1,080
Texas 41,695 7,041 581 34,073 10,497 24,031 7,167
Utah 2,553 252 30 2,271 576 1,716 261
Vermont 960 91 6 863 127 738 95
Virginia 11,839 1,596 97 10,146 2,250 7,956 1,633
Washington 9,267 1,323 41 7,903 1,450 6,461 1,356
West Virginia 3,526 239 35 3,252 578 2,693 255
Wisconsin 7,277 591 58 6,628 2,015 4,652 610
Wyoming 797 61 14 722 128 607 62
Outlying area  
Northern Mariana Islands 65 15 0 50 28 22 15
Unknown 122 61 3 58 8 53 61
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes blind persons and disabled persons aged 65 or older.
CONTACT: (410) 965-0090 or