On December 14, 2020, Social Security awarded the Ticket to Work Program Manager (TPM) contract to Cognosante, a technology company based in Falls Church, Virginia.  The TPM is responsible for:

  • Marketing the Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program
  • Outreach to and communication with Social Security disability beneficiaries
  • Facilitating beneficiary access to Ticket service providers, including Employment Networks (ENs), State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies, Work Incentives Planning Assistance projects, and Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security organizations  
  • Recruiting experienced and highly-qualified ENs
  • Assisting Social Security in monitoring EN participation in the Ticket program
  • Supporting ticket assignments and EN and VR payments for services to beneficiaries
  • Assisting Social Security in ensuring the quality and integrity of EN services

The TPM contract is a five-year contract, which will end in December of 2025.


For service providers: https://yourtickettowork.ssa.gov

For Beneficiaries: https://choosework.ssa.gov