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2015 SSI Report
Office of the Chief Actuary
Actuarial Publications
2015 SSI Report
IV.B1 SSI Federally Administered Applications by Age Group, Calendar Years 1975‑2040
IV.B2 SSI Federally Administered New Recipients by Age Group, Calendar Years 1975‑2040
IV.B3 SSI Federally Administered Terminations by Age Group, Calendar Years 1975‑2040
IV.B4 SSI Recipients with Federal Benefits in Current-Payment Status, by Age Group,
as of December, 1975‑2040
IV.B5 Federal SSI Prevalence Rates, by Age Group, as of December, 1975‑2040
IV.B6 Age-Sex-Adjusted Federal SSI Prevalence Rates, by Eligibility Category,
as of December, 1975‑2040
IV.C1 SSI Federal Payments, by Age Group, in CPI-Indexed 2015 Dollars,
Calendar Years 1975‑2040
IV.D1 SSI Federal Payments, by Age Group, as a Percentage of GDP, Calendar Years 1975‑2040
V.E1 SSI Federally Administered Blind or Disabled Working Recipients
as of December, 1987‑2014