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2019 SSI Annual Report
Office of the Chief Actuary
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Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
III.H1 SSI State Supplementation and Coordination with Other Programs
IV.A1 Historical and Projected Social Security Area Population based on the Intermediate Assumptions of the 2019 OASDI Trustees Report, as of July 1, 1975-2043
IV.A2 SSI Federal Benefit Rate Increases and Levels: Historical and Projected on the Basis of the Intermediate Assumptions of the 2019 OASDI Trustees Report, 1975-2043
IV.B1 SSI Federally Administered Applications, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.B2 SSI Federally Administered New Recipients, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.B3 SSI Federally Administered Terminations Due to Death, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.B4 SSI Federally Administered Terminations Due to Reasons Other Than Death, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.B5 SSI Federally Administered Terminations for All Reasons, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.B6 SSI Recipients with Federal Payments in Current-Payment Status as of December, 1975-2043
IV.B7 Federal SSI Prevalence Rates, as of December, 1975-2043
IV.B8 SSI Recipients with Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments Only,
in Current-Payment Status as of December, 1975-2043
IV.B9 SSI Recipients with Federally Administered Payments in Current-Payment Status
as of December, 1975-2043
IV.C1 SSI Federal Payments in Current Dollars, Calendar Years 1975-2019
IV.C2 SSI Federal Payments in Current Dollars, Fiscal Years 1980-2019
IV.C3 SSI Federal Payments in CPI-Adjusted 2019 Dollars, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.C4 SSI Federally Administered State Supplementation Payments in Current Dollars, Calendar Years 1975-2018
IV.D1 SSI Federal Payments as a Percentage of GDP, Calendar Years 1975-2043
IV.E1 Selected SSI Costs, Fiscal Years 1980-2019
V.A1 Federal Benefit Rates Set by Legislation
V.C1 Disabled Adult Claims: Disposition of Applications for SSI Disability Benefits by Year of Filing and Level of Decision
V.C2 Disabled Child Claims: Disposition of Applications for SSI Disability Benefits by Year of Filing and Level of Decision
V.D1 SSI Non-medical Redeterminations and Limited Issues Completed, Fiscal Years 1986-2018
V.D2 SSI Continuing Disability Full Medical Reviews by Year of Initial Decision, Fiscal Years 1993-2018
V.D3 SSI Disabled Adult Reviews: Disposition of Medical Continuing Disability Reviews by Year of Initial Decision and Level of Decision, Fiscal Years 2004-2018
V.D4 SSI Disabled Child Reviews: Disposition of Medical Continuing Disability Reviews by Year of Initial Decision and Level of Decision, Fiscal Years 2004-2018
V.E1 SSI Substantial Gainful Activity and Student Earned Income Exclusion Amounts, Calendar Years 1974-2019
V.E2 SSI Federally Administered Blind or Disabled Working Recipients as of December, 1987-2018
V.E3 SSI Federally Administered Blind or Disabled Individuals with SSI Recipient Status Participating in Other Work Incentives as of December, 1990-2018
V.E4 Average Monthly Earnings of SSI Federally Administered Blind or Disabled Working Recipients, as of December, 1987-2018
V.E5 Vocational Rehabilitation Reimbursement Claims Allowed, Fiscal Years 1987-2018
V.E6 Employment Network Payments Allowed, Fiscal Years 2002-2018
V.F1 Percentage of SSI Federally Administered Recipients in Current-Payment Status with Participation in Selected Programs Based on SSA Administrative Records, December 2018