§ 402.05 Scope and purpose of this part.

(a) The purpose of this part is to describe the Social Security Administration's (SSA) policies and procedures for implementing the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 5 U.S.C. 552. The FOIA mandates disclosure to the public of Federal agency records unless specific exemptions apply. The FOIA also requires an agency to proactively disclose records and make certain records available for public inspection.

(b) The rules in this part describe how SSA makes records available to the public, including:

(1) What constitutes a proper request for records;

(2) How to make a FOIA request;

(3) Who has the authority to release and withhold records;

(4) What fees may be charged to process a request for records;

(5) The timing of determinations regarding release;

(6) The exemptions that permit the withholding of records;

(7) Requesters' right to seek assistance from the FOIA Public Liaison;

(8) Requesters' right to appeal the agency's FOIA determination;

(9) Requesters' right to seek assistance from the Office of Government Information Services and then go to court if they still disagree with our release determination; and

(10) The records available for public inspection.

(c) The rules in this part do not revoke, modify, or supersede SSA's regulations relating to disclosure of information in part 401 or 403 of this chapter.