Revised December 18, 2024, Federal Register vol. 89, No. 243, p. 102704

Table of Contents

§ 402.05Scope and purpose of this part.
§ 402.10Definitions.
§ 402.15SSA's FOIA policy.
§ 402.20Relationship between the FOIA and the Privacy Act of 1974.
§ 402.25Who can file a FOIA request?
§ 402.30Requirements of a FOIA request.
§ 402.35Where to submit a FOIA request.
§ 402.40Requests for deceased individual's records.
§ 402.45Requests handled outside of the FOIA process.
§ 402.50FOIA Officer's authority.
§ 402.55Referrals and consultations.
§ 402.60How does SSA process FOIA requests?
§ 402.65Expedited processing.
§ 402.70Fees associated with processing FOIA requests.
§ 402.75FOIA fee schedule.
§ 402.80Charging under section 1106(c) of the Social Security Act.
§ 402.85Waiver of fees in the public interest.
§ 402.90Notification of fees and prepayment requirements.
§ 402.95Release of records.
§ 402.100FOIA Public Liaison and the Office of Government Information Services.
§ 402.105Appeals of the FOIA Officer's determination.
§ 402.110U.S. District Court action.
§ 402.115The FOIA Exemption 1: National defense and foreign policy.
§ 402.120The FOIA Exemption 2: Internal personnel rules and practices.
§ 402.125The FOIA Exemption 3: Records exempted by other statutes.
§ 402.130The FOIA Exemption 4: Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information.
§ 402.135The FOIA Exemption 5: Internal documents.
§ 402.140The FOIA Exemption 6: Clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
§ 402.145The FOIA Exemption 7: Law enforcement.
§ 402.150The FOIA Exemptions 8 and 9: Records on financial institutions; records on wells.
§ 402.155Records available for public inspection.
§ 402.160Where records are published.
§ 402.165Publications for sale through the Government Publishing Office.

Authority:42 U.S.C. 405, 902(a)(5), and 1306); 5 U.S.C. 552 and 552a; 18 U.S.C. 1905; 26 U.S.C. 6103; 31 U.S.C. 9701; E.O. 12600, 52 FR 23781, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 235.

Source:89 FR 102711, Dec. 18, 2024, unless otherwise noted.