§ 402.15 SSA's FOIA policy.
(a) Presumption of openness. SSA will withhold information only if we reasonably foresee that disclosure would harm an interest protected by a FOIA exemption or if disclosure is prohibited by law.
(b) Authority to release and withhold records. As described in § 402.50, the agency's FOIA Officer, or the FOIA Officer's designee, has the authority to:
(1) Release or withhold records in response to initial requests;
(2) Grant or deny expedited processing; and
(3) Reduce or waive fees.
(c) Records publicly available. We make available for public inspection in an electronic format records that are final and have been requested and released three or more times and other specified records described in § 402.155. We do not make available for public inspection records that are not static, such as the Open Access Death Master File.
(d) Required record production. The FOIA does not require an agency to give opinions, conduct research, answer questions, or create records.