§ 402.45 Requests handled outside of the FOIA process.
When records outlined in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section are requested from OPD, OPD will respond to the requester and provide information for requesting the records sought:
(a) To the extent a request asks for records that are currently publicly available, either from SSA or from another part of the Federal Government. See § 402.155.
(b) If the records sought are distributed by SSA as part of its regular program activity, for example, public information leaflets distributed by SSA. See §§ 402.155 through 402.165.
(c) If the records sought are earnings records covered by § 422.125 of this chapter.
(d) If a request does not meet the requirements of a FOIA request as defined in § 402.30. We will send written correspondence to the requester:
(1) Providing instructions for how to submit a proper FOIA request; or
(2) Asking for additional information to make the request a proper FOIA request.