§ 402.85 Waiver of fees in the public interest.
A requester may request waiver or reduction of fees, whether charged under § 402.75 or § 402.80, if the release of the requested records is in the public interest. We will waive or reduce the fees we would otherwise charge if disclosure of the requested information:
(a) Is in the public interest because it is likely to contribute significantly to public understanding of the operations or activities of the government; and
(b) Is not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.
(1) Procedure for requesting a waiver or reduction. A requester must make the request for a fee waiver or reduction in writing at the same time they make their request for records. The requester should explain with reasonable specificity why they believe a waiver or reduction is proper under the analysis in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section. Only the FOIA Officer may make the decision whether to waive, or reduce, the fees. If we do not completely grant the request for a waiver or reduction, the requester may appeal the denial to the Executive Director for OPD. In the appeal letter, the requester should explain why they believe the request meets the requirements in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section. The process prescribed in § 402.105 will also apply to these appeals.
(2) Public interest. We consider the factors below when analyzing whether disclosure is in the public interest:
(i) How the records pertain to the Federal Government's operations or activities;
(ii) Whether disclosure would reveal any meaningful information about Government operations or activities not already known to the public; and
(iii) Whether the contribution to public understanding of those operations or activities would be significant.
(iv) Regarding the above criteria, you must be reasonably specific in your waiver request as to the specific Government operation or activity and provide direct, clear (not remote or attenuated) connections to the meaningful information you seek. Generalized interest in government programs is not reasonably specific to grant waiver.
(3) Not primarily in requester's commercial interest. If the disclosure is determined to be in the public interest as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, we will then determine whether it also furthers the requester's commercial interest and, if so, whether this effect outweighs the advancement of that public interest. We consider the following factors when analyzing whether disclosure is not primarily in the requester's commercial interest:
(i) Would the disclosure further a commercial interest of the requester, or of someone on whose behalf the requester is acting?
(ii) If disclosure would further a commercial interest of the requester, would that effect outweigh the advancement of the public interest defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section? Which effect is primary?
(4) Burden on SSA to produce the record(s). If the disclosure meets the requirements in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section, we reserve the right to charge a fee if special services are needed to provide the records.
(5) Deciding between waiver and reduction. If the disclosure meets the requirements in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section, we will normally waive fees. However, in some cases we may decide only to reduce the fees. For example, we may do this when disclosure of some but not all of the requested records meet the fee waiver criteria.