§ 402.155 Records available for public inspection.
(a) Under the FOIA, SSA is required to make available for public inspection in an electronic format:
(1) Final opinions made in the adjudication of cases;
(2) An agency's statements and interpretations of policy that have been adopted but are not published in the Federal Register;
(3) Administrative staff manuals and instructions that affect the public; and
(4) Copies of records, regardless of form or format, that an agency determines will likely become the subject of subsequent requests, as well as records that have been requested and released three or more times, unless said materials are published and copies are offered to sale.
(b) SSA will not use or cite instructional manuals issued to our employees, general statements of policy, and other materials which are used in processing claims as a precedent for an action against a person unless we have indexed the record and published it or made it available, or unless the person has timely notice of the record.
(c) Records that SSA makes available for public inspection in an electronic format may be accessed through www.ssa.gov free of charge. Such records include:
(1) Compilation of Social Security Laws and Regulations;
(2) SSA regulations under the retirement, survivors, disability, and supplemental security income programs, i.e., 20 CFR parts 401, 402, 404, 416, and 422;
(3) Social Security Handbook;
(4) Social Security Rulings and Acquiescence Rulings;
(5) SSA's Public Programs Operations Manual System;
(6) SSA's Organizational Structure;
(7) State and Local Coverage Handbook for State Social Security Administrators; and
(8) SSA's Public Hearings, Appeals, and Litigation Law Manual.