I-1-1-3.Maintaining and Providing Representative Referral Lists
Last Update: 11/20/18 (Transmittal I-1-91)
Hearing offices (HO) must have at least one list of representative referral services and legal service organizations available for distribution to claimants. HOs will coordinate with field offices (FO) in the HO's service area to ensure that the list(s) is comprehensive and up-to-date. If HO staff learns that any contact information on a referral list is inaccurate or out-of-date, HO staff must update its copy of the list(s) and send a copy of the corrected list(s) to the appropriate FO so that the FO may also update its list(s) (see generally Program Operations Manual System (POMS) GN 03910.030).
If an unrepresented claimant requests a hearing before an administrative law judge, HO staff will send a copy of the representative referral list(s) to the claimant with the letter acknowledging the hearing request (see Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law manual I-2-0-20 C.2. and I-2-0-92; and POMS GN 03910.030A.1.).