Public Affairs
Public Affairs Specialists are available within the Dallas Region to provide information to the media as well as presentations to a variety of organizations. For more information, contact the Public Affairs Specialist nearest you. For specific areas not listed,
please contact
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Tonya Cater
Social Security Administration3511 Market St.
Pine Bluff, AR 71601
Phone: (866) 592-1487, Ext. 30723
Fax: (833) 950-2704
Maria Alvarez
Social Security Administration1616 Joe Yenni Blvd.
Kenner, LA 70065-1355
Phone: (888) 850-2232, Ext. 18040
Fax: (833) 902-2568
Bilingual - Spanish
Rhonda Romero
Social Security Administration1922 Fifth St.
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: (866) 571-8130, Ext. 31013
Fax: (833) 950-2722
Carrine Totten (Southern Oklahoma)
Social Security Administration600 East Peyton Street
Sherman, TX 75090
Phone: (877) 405-3521, Ext. 24700
Fax: (833) 914-1778
Debbie Sawyer-Smith (Central and Eastern Oklahoma)
Social Security Administration200 NE 27th
Moore, OK 73160
Phone: (866) 964-4262, Ext. 26446
Fax: (833) 950-3337
Celina Chacon (Dallas Area)
Social Security Administration2010 N State HWY 360
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Phone: (855) 722-3503, Ext. 25407
Fax: (833) 960-2959
Bilingual - Spanish
Anna Lambert (Houston Area)
Social Security Administration16200 Dillard Drive
Houston, TX 77040
Phone: (866) 681-1480, Ext. 19651
Fax: (833) 950-2711
Bilingual - Spanish
Marco “Tony” Hernandez (El Paso and West Texas)
Social Security Administration11111 Gateway West
El Paso, TX 79935
Phone: (866) 563-9310, Ext. 27491
Fax: (833) 515-0522
Shonbay Jones (Houston Area)
Social Security Administration8989 Lakes at 610 Drive
Houston, TX 77054
Phone: (866) 407-3164, Ext. 26575
Fax: (833) 950-2716
Sheryl Schroeder (Brenham Area)
Social Security Administration2901 Victory Lane
Brenham, TX 77833
Phone: (855) 287-4792
Fax: (833) 939-2002
Jason Garza (San Antonio Area)
Social Security Administration727 E. Cesar Chavez Blvd., 7th Floor Room 701
San Antonio, TX 78206
Phone: (877) 405-5864, Ext. 17652
Fax: (833) 950-2395
Sarah Schultz-Lackey
Office of the Regional Commissioner Social Security Administration1301 Young Street, Suite 500
Dallas TX 75202
Phone: (214) 767-3407
Fax: (833) 914-1778
Questions about Social Security numbers or claims information should be directed to SSA's
toll free service at
1‑800‑772‑1213 or toll free TDD service at
1‑800‑325‑0778 from 7:00 a.m. ‑ 7:00 p.m. on business days.