Other Research & Analysis

The Social Security Administration (SSA) conducts research, analysis, evaluations, and statistical modeling that support our goals to strengthen our disability programs and improve program integrity.

Beyond Benefits Study

The Beyond Benefits Study collects information about the service, medical, and employment needs of working-age adults exiting SSA disability programs due to medical improvement. This study also uses motivational interviewing to identify and address employment challenges among people with disabilities.

Post-Entitlement Experience on Work Incentives (PEEWI)

Our goal for the Post-Entitlement Experience on Work Incentives (PEEWI) project is to obtain feedback from focus groups of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries about their experiences with returning to work and the agency's work incentives. Additionally, we will gather beneficiary perspectives on potential alternative ways of treating post-entitlement earnings. The responses from beneficiaries will help the agency identify what is working well with its existing policies, what is not working well, and strategies that will enhance post-entitlement SSDI employment policies.

Quick Disability Determinations (QDD)

The QDD process uses a computer-based predictive model to screen initial applications to identify cases where a favorable disability determination is highly likely and medical evidence is readily available.

Ticket to Work (TTW) Program Evaluation

This evaluation will incorporate consumer and provider experiences with the programs authorized by the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 to examine the extent to which they are achieving their legislative intent. In 2023, SSA awarded a contract to Mathematica to conduct the evaluation.

Cardiovascular Disability: Updating the Social Security Listings

In 2009, SSA commissioned a report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of The National Academies on the criteria that SSA uses to evaluate disability in persons with cardiovascular disorders.  The IOM published the report, Cardiovascular Disability: Updating the Social Security Listings, in 2010. The report recommended ways to improve the utility of the cardiovascular listings by improving the sensitivity and specificity of listing criteria for evaluating cardiovascular disorders.

Consultative Examination (CE) Study

A CE is a physical or mental examination performed by a treating source or other medical source when additional information is needed to make a disability determination. The CE Study featured medical consultants (MC) with administrative assistance from disability examiners reviewing initial and hearings level CEs, focusing on the CE processes, content, completeness, and quality. The CE Baseline Study analyzed the quality of CEs used in the disability determination; assessed if CEs complied with SSA regulations; and established a baseline for CE quality.

Employment Network Payment Structure Evaluation

The objective of the research was to help SSA determine whether there are feasible alternatives to the Milestone/Outcome and Outcome payment systems that SSA currently uses to pay the Employment Networks (ENs) that serve beneficiaries in the TTW program.  Through this research, SSA sought recommendations for how payments to ENs could be structured, and how these payment structures, and the change in benefit rules, would affect the costs and benefits of TTW.

HIV and Disability: Updating the Social Security Listings

In 2009, SSA commissioned a report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of The National Academies on the criteria that SSA uses to evaluate disability in persons with HIV infection. The IOM published the report, HIV and Disability: Updating the Social Security Listings, in 2010. The report recommended ways to improve the utility of the HIV infection listings by improving the sensitivity and specificity of listing criteria for evaluating HIV infection.

SSI Youth Community Based Services and Supports

This is a report about community-based services and supports available for youth ages 14 to 25 with disabilities. In this age range, youth transition from being legal dependents to legal adults. This transition can be daunting because of the loss of federally guaranteed education and supports through the public school system and challenges in obtaining and maintaining employment. The report synthesizes the available evidence regarding the impact of community-based services on employment for youth with disabilities.

SSI Youth Employment Evidence Report

The purpose of this research project was to gather key information from researchers to identify the evidence and recommendations to design regulatory and policy changes to support employment for youth with disabilities. Studies of SSI youth suggest significant gaps in the awareness and use of services currently available to them. For this youth population, educational attainment, work, and earnings are at low levels throughout their transition years into adulthood.

Vocational Expert Study Panel

SSA contracted with SSDC Corporation to convene an expert panel of vocational and occupational medical experts and disability policy and program experts to study the agency’s use of vocational and occupational medical expertise throughout the disability determination process, what changes can be made to improve case adjudication, and what qualifications we should require.

Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Service Model Analysis

SSA asked Abt Associates to develop evidence-based recommendations for potential changes that SSA might consider for the WIPA program service model. The intent of the recommendations is to help SSA achieve its goals of serving people who receive SSI or SSDI with information about SSA work incentives and the effects of work on benefits within funding limitations while offering a service model that is reasonable and attractive to potential applicants for WIPA cooperative agreements.