Verify Social Security Numbers
Verify all names and Social Security numbers before you submit your W-2s using The Social Security Number Verification Service. For a fee and the consent of the number holder, you also can use The Consent Based Social Security Number Verification Service.
File W-2s Online
There are three ways to file W-2s online:
- Upload a Wage Report ‒ Upload your files using your own software if it matches the required format
(Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically). You also can check your wage reports using our
AccuWage test tool to check wage reports for correctness before you send them to Social Security.
- W-2 Online ‒ Complete up to 50 Forms W-2 and print copies suitable for distribution to your employees. No software is required.
- W-2c Online ‒ Complete up to 25 Forms W-2c and print copies suitable for distribution to your employees. No software required.
Correct Forms W-2 Online
You can complete up to 25 Forms W-2c and print copies suitable for distribution to your employees.
For more information and step-by-step instructions, see the Filing Forms W-2c/W-3c with Social Security and
Electronic W-2 Filing Handbook.
Electronic Data Transfer Option for Federal and State Agencies
Electronic Data Transfer is an alternative to Internet filing that allows Federal and State agencies to transfer annual wage data directly to Social Security using a dedicated-circuit connection. Participation in the EDT program is available by special arrangement with Social Security. For more information, read the Electronic Data Transfer Guide.
Get Started
- Your BSO User ID and password is no longer used to access BSO employer services. You must use a Social Security online account, or credential to gain access to the BSO application.
- Start at the BSO Welcome page. You can either log in or create an account from the “Employers” section.