Reducing Improper Payments

Thank you for visiting our Improper Payments website.

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, Appendix C (updated March 5, 2021) requires agencies with programs with annual outlays over $10,000,000 to provide OMB with improper payments related information on an annual basis. OMB posts the information on Beginning with FY 2021, we no longer post improper payments related information on this website.

In addition, OMB Circular A-123, Appendix C, requires agencies with High-Priority programs (programs reporting improper payments resulting in monetary loss in excess of $100,000,000) to provide select improper payments information to OMB on a quarterly basis. OMB posts the information on This published information fulfills the Executive Order 13520 High-Dollar Overpayment reporting requirements. Beginning with the 3rd quarter of FY 2021, we no longer post quarterly High-Dollar Overpayments related information on this website.

This new approach promotes a more streamlined and centralized repository for government-wide improper payments reporting. Please visit for our latest improper payments information.

For historical reference, we have archived our prior fiscal years’ information and it is still available on this site.

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