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Resource Hub of Representative Payees for Foster Children
The Social Security Administration recognizes that youth in foster care are among the most vulnerable populations we serve. SSA plays an important role in supporting foster youth and protecting their rights. The following foster care resources are available for representative payees, legal guardians, and child welfare agency employees.
Technical Assistance:
We commend State and Tribal jurisdictions that have already made or are considering changes to how agencies use and conserve Social Security and SSI payments when serving as representative payee for foster youth. We agree that such targeted changes can be an important tool for improving outcomes for foster youth. Over the past two years, we have supported these efforts by working with jurisdictions to provide technical assistance. For more information, see A Message to State Child Welfare Agencies.
Foster Care Data Exchanges:
SSA is required by law to establish data sharing arrangements with State and Tribal agencies to receive timely data on when children enter or exit the foster care system. These exchanges help protect child beneficiaries by letting SSA know quickly when there is a need to remove or replace a child’s payee. For those that are currently sharing foster care data with SSA, we thank you. For those that are not, we encourage you to participate in this very important program. We invite State and Tribal agencies that may have questions about, or are interested in, participating in the exchange program to please contact us at ORDP.Data.Exchange@ssa.gov.
Guidance for Foster Care Agencies Applying for SSN cards for Foster Children:
Foster care agencies play a critical role in ensuring that foster children have access to essential services and resources. Obtaining a SSN card for a foster child is an important step that facilitates access to these benefits.
- If you are a State or State-licensed agency with legal custody of the child, as a proper applicant you can start the online SSN card application.
- For additional information on evidence required for the proper applicant and child, please see the attached fact sheet.
Request for Information:
Social Security Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a call for public input on ways to improve outcomes of foster children who are eligible for – or already receive – Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or both. Our goal was to make sure that all children, especially foster youth, receive the benefits for which they're eligible.
- A Joint Commitment and a Call to Support Children in Foster Care 11/1/24
- Seeking Your Input to Improve Outcomes for Children in Foster Care 11/1/24
- A Message to State Child Welfare Agencies 7/25/2024
- National Foster Care Month 5/15/2024
- National Foster Care Month 5/10/2023
- Letter Regarding Reminders to State and Tribal Title IV-E agencies about the Social Security Representative Payee Program and the Title IV-E Federal Foster Care Program 8/17/2023
- What You Need To Know About Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) When You Turn 18
- A Guide for Representative Payees
- Turning 18
Helpful Links:
- Guide for Organizational Representative Payees
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Representative Payees
- Payee and ABLE Accounts
- Spotlight On Achieving A Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts
SSA Policy:
- SSA - POMS: GN 00502.105 - Preferred Representative Payee Order of Selection Charts - 05/23/2023
- SSA - POMS: GN 00502.114 - Representative Payee Responsibilities and Duties - 05/23/2023
- SSA - POMS: GN 00502.157 - Processing Data in the Electronic Representative Payee System for Beneficiaries in Foster Care - 06/20/2019
- SSA - POMS: GN 00502.159 - Additional Considerations When Foster Care Agency is Involved - 06/04/2024