SSI Annual Statistical Report, 2003


Table 41. All applications, by age of applicant, 1973–2003
Year All ages a Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total 52,112,230 7,164,790 35,536,950 9,410,490
State conversions b 3,406,600 3,650 1,424,010 1,978,940
Federal applications
1973 284,930 5,030 82,820 197,080
1974 2,060,590 124,300 1,096,130 840,160
1975 1,467,960 100,030 976,840 391,090
1976 1,212,810 84,360 866,720 261,730
1977 1,272,360 95,610 904,150 272,600
1978 1,268,170 99,460 905,340 263,370
1979 1,325,270 108,000 950,980 266,290
1980 1,410,080 113,200 1,016,750 280,130
1981 1,149,290 95,010 863,670 190,610
1982 1,016,080 94,680 775,240 146,160
1983 1,132,220 101,560 832,540 198,120
1984 1,264,480 104,860 866,420 293,200
1985 1,401,400 120,640 1,047,930 232,830
1986 1,465,970 125,270 1,099,220 241,480
1987 1,433,340 124,910 1,068,890 239,540
1988 1,360,870 125,280 1,008,200 227,390
1989 1,392,660 132,080 1,016,430 244,150
1990 1,550,990 163,610 1,136,160 251,220
1991 1,808,690 247,460 1,315,160 246,070
1992 2,086,820 380,350 1,460,520 245,950
1993 2,308,770 503,800 1,567,730 237,240
1994 2,256,640 541,150 1,512,310 203,180
1995 2,062,590 502,940 1,380,090 179,560
1996 1,915,520 462,710 1,285,630 167,180
1997 1,594,630 332,940 1,130,410 131,280
1998 1,626,210 337,300 1,141,180 147,730
1999 1,658,400 350,070 1,148,740 159,590
2000 1,742,630 358,800 1,224,540 159,290
2001 1,859,990 376,170 1,323,020 160,800
2002 2,084,730 413,330 1,492,740 178,660
2003 2,230,540 436,230 1,616,440 177,870
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 10 percent sample.
a. Totals include applications taken under the abbreviated application process, which was used from 1987 to 1999. Totals do not include reapplications as a result of the Sullivan v. Zebley decision. These reapplications were received from 1991 to 1995.
b. Persons who were converted in 1973 from the state Old-Age Assistance, Aid to the Blind, and Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled programs to the SSI program.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 42. Applications for children under age 18, by selected characteristics, 1995–2003
Characteristic 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total a 502,940 462,710 332,940 337,300 350,070 358,800 376,170 413,330 436,230
Under 5 162,340 154,970 122,280 121,410 124,030 124,520 131,730 141,190 145,730
5–12 245,990 226,150 154,110 159,630 166,880 172,420 178,790 195,760 208,490
13–17 94,610 81,590 56,550 56,260 59,160 61,860 65,650 76,380 82,010
Male 318,940 290,610 207,840 209,590 219,700 224,270 233,730 257,880 273,230
Female 184,000 172,100 125,100 127,710 130,370 134,530 142,440 155,450 163,000
Citizenship status
Citizen 500,000 460,020 331,530 335,140 347,760 356,730 374,060 411,120 434,370
Noncitizen 2,940 2,690 1,410 2,160 2,310 2,070 2,110 2,210 1,860
SSA administrative region
Boston 17,030 14,820 11,450 11,800 11,630 12,510 11,810 13,010 13,200
New York 56,230 51,120 35,500 35,110 33,640 33,270 33,980 35,430 36,070
Philadelphia 46,190 45,080 33,140 33,830 35,560 34,860 37,720 41,100 43,130
Atlanta 130,060 117,260 85,550 86,950 91,330 98,260 105,210 115,970 119,010
Chicago 96,280 88,910 62,870 63,310 64,880 67,130 69,550 76,090 83,350
Dallas 72,930 65,240 46,030 44,500 48,470 48,950 50,900 58,660 66,000
Kansas City 23,920 21,680 15,000 14,890 16,040 14,280 15,570 16,930 16,180
Denver 9,710 9,110 6,660 5,980 5,950 6,110 6,190 6,660 7,220
San Francisco 38,960 38,730 29,950 33,050 34,120 34,270 35,720 39,140 41,740
Seattle 11,060 10,140 6,540 7,650 8,300 9,040 9,380 10,260 10,240
Unknown 570 620 250 230 150 120 140 80 90
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 10 percent sample.
a. Totals include applications taken under the abbreviated application process, which was used from 1987 to 1999. Totals do not include reapplications as a result of the Sullivan v. Zebley decision. These reapplications were received from 1991 to 1995.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 43. Applications for adults aged 18–64, by selected characteristics, 1995–2003
Characteristic 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total a 1,380,090 1,285,630 1,130,410 1,141,180 1,148,740 1,224,540 1,323,020 1,492,740 1,616,440
18–21 95,680 93,050 80,090 80,920 84,520 88,570 100,860 110,930 116,220
22–29 191,360 169,750 137,950 135,000 130,390 136,900 147,580 169,870 182,500
30–39 369,810 332,740 279,870 272,260 265,820 271,980 282,170 308,820 317,400
40–49 346,920 340,490 312,200 318,350 327,880 356,800 387,270 439,250 474,740
50–59 287,770 271,000 252,320 259,970 264,660 290,360 320,390 367,860 416,860
60–64 88,550 78,600 67,980 74,680 75,470 79,930 84,750 96,010 108,720
Men 690,980 632,440 550,960 550,360 551,620 591,580 643,540 733,980 797,690
Women 689,110 653,190 579,450 590,820 597,120 632,960 679,480 758,760 818,750
Citizenship status
Citizen 1,297,050 1,220,060 1,088,560 1,071,380 1,077,840 1,155,200 1,252,960 1,419,220 1,542,720
Noncitizen 83,040 65,570 41,850 69,800 70,900 69,340 70,060 73,520 73,720
SSA administrative region
Boston 64,630 60,890 51,440 49,710 48,660 48,640 52,510 56,290 64,840
New York 139,090 129,690 113,410 113,010 109,720 108,600 118,010 122,190 122,470
Philadelphia 128,670 121,870 109,790 109,940 111,800 115,410 125,330 141,400 155,980
Atlanta 334,140 320,790 283,700 283,130 284,450 315,360 341,060 378,350 398,060
Chicago 220,430 190,920 169,170 169,140 168,610 188,600 208,580 243,720 272,570
Dallas 168,640 160,280 140,000 141,490 146,920 158,610 172,400 203,390 225,520
Kansas City 61,920 60,040 55,450 52,280 54,230 59,350 64,640 73,510 77,320
Denver 29,930 28,800 25,110 24,890 25,000 27,020 28,670 32,580 35,960
San Francisco 189,030 170,910 146,370 159,830 158,750 157,690 163,670 188,260 206,850
Seattle 42,000 39,590 35,050 36,800 39,850 44,420 47,170 51,860 55,500
Unknown 1,610 1,850 920 960 750 840 980 1,190 1,370
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 10 percent sample.
a. Totals include applications taken under the abbreviated application process, which was used from 1987 to 1999. Totals do not include reapplications as a result of the Sullivan v. Zebley decision. These reapplications were received from 1991 to 1995.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 44. Applications for adults aged 65 or older, by selected characteristics, 1995–2003
Characteristic 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Total a 179,560 167,180 131,280 147,730 159,590 159,290 160,800 178,660 177,870
65–69 102,760 92,710 74,540 81,600 87,720 87,310 88,290 95,280 95,970
70–74 32,300 32,270 23,900 28,860 31,820 32,040 33,070 39,080 37,890
75 or older 44,500 42,200 32,840 37,270 40,050 39,940 39,440 44,300 44,010
Men 64,980 61,540 47,300 54,420 59,870 60,070 60,800 69,090 69,380
Women 114,580 105,640 83,980 93,310 99,720 99,220 100,000 109,570 108,490
Citizenship status
Citizen 131,300 122,530 104,950 98,940 106,730 109,440 109,010 116,770 118,630
Noncitizen 48,260 44,650 26,330 48,790 52,860 49,850 51,790 61,890 59,240
SSA administrative region
Boston 6,390 6,610 5,480 6,250 6,280 6,090 5,940 6,090 6,910
New York 23,730 23,180 17,740 21,320 22,300 22,720 24,200 25,800 25,300
Philadelphia 13,310 12,230 9,310 10,510 11,890 11,620 11,010 11,280 11,290
Atlanta 41,990 37,500 29,800 30,340 32,130 31,580 31,100 35,680 32,660
Chicago 16,430 12,610 10,030 11,190 12,260 12,690 12,380 12,120 13,050
Dallas 22,260 20,220 17,110 18,220 19,830 19,520 21,250 23,400 22,770
Kansas City 4,360 3,860 3,140 2,990 2,880 3,380 2,990 2,940 2,950
Denver 2,650 2,540 2,060 2,080 2,370 2,550 2,360 2,620 2,780
San Francisco 44,810 44,640 33,810 41,450 45,550 45,090 45,760 54,880 55,710
Seattle 3,580 3,670 2,760 3,330 4,090 4,040 3,800 3,840 4,450
Unknown 50 120 40 50 10 10 10 10 0
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 10 percent sample.
a. Totals include applications taken under the abbreviated application process, which was used from 1987 to 1999. Totals do not include reapplications as a result of the Sullivan v. Zebley decision. These reapplications were received from 1991 to 1995.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 45. All applications, by state or other area and age of applicant, 2003
State or area Total Under 18 18–64 65 or older
All areas 2,230,540 436,230 1,616,440 177,870
Alabama 51,210 13,240 36,280 1,690
Alaska 5,130 470 3,640 1,020
Arizona 33,470 5,530 26,190 1,750
Arkansas 33,230 8,060 24,150 1,020
California 250,590 33,390 166,170 51,030
Colorado 21,050 3,040 16,440 1,570
Connecticut 16,790 2,570 13,150 1,070
Delaware 5,100 1,240 3,640 220
District of Columbia 5,810 1,260 4,240 310
Florida 146,140 32,740 97,190 16,210
Georgia 73,250 15,970 53,590 3,690
Hawaii 5,040 590 3,540 910
Idaho 8,750 1,690 6,780 280
Illinois 88,820 21,200 62,900 4,720
Indiana 46,380 10,280 35,210 890
Iowa 18,300 2,780 14,890 630
Kansas 18,780 3,110 15,040 630
Kentucky 53,390 10,180 41,420 1,790
Louisiana 58,190 15,760 40,230 2,200
Maine 8,870 1,260 7,230 380
Maryland 37,090 5,970 29,110 2,010
Massachusetts 43,090 6,460 32,140 4,490
Michigan 72,280 17,300 52,750 2,230
Minnesota 24,330 4,560 18,360 1,410
Mississippi 46,760 11,830 33,350 1,580
Missouri 47,580 8,430 37,970 1,180
Montana 5,570 990 4,390 190
Nebraska 11,790 1,860 9,420 510
Nevada 15,040 2,170 10,900 1,970
New Hampshire 5,090 650 4,330 110
New Jersey 46,150 9,050 31,310 5,790
New Mexico 14,540 2,480 11,040 1,020
New York 137,690 27,020 91,160 19,510
North Carolina 80,040 15,880 60,400 3,760
North Dakota 3,080 380 2,540 160
Ohio 99,530 21,650 75,300 2,580
Oklahoma 28,680 5,690 21,900 1,090
Oregon 21,010 2,560 17,390 1,060
Pennsylvania 96,320 22,430 68,270 5,620
Rhode Island 7,700 1,680 5,290 730
South Carolina 37,900 8,570 27,830 1,500
South Dakota 4,540 740 3,450 350
Tennessee 61,040 10,600 48,000 2,440
Texas 179,650 34,010 128,200 17,440
Utah 9,110 1,710 7,000 400
Vermont 3,410 580 2,700 130
Virginia 43,830 8,690 32,640 2,500
Washington 35,300 5,520 27,690 2,090
West Virginia 22,250 3,540 18,080 630
Wisconsin 37,630 8,360 28,050 1,220
Wyoming 2,610 360 2,140 110
Outlying area
Northern Mariana Islands 160 60 50 50
Unknown 1,460 90 1,370 0
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 10 percent sample.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or
Table 46. All applicants, by year of first application and age, 1973–2003
Year All ages a Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total 35,944,110 5,695,910 23,095,300 7,152,900
State conversions b 3,406,600 3,650 1,424,010 1,978,940
Federal applications
1973 282,270 4,970 81,850 195,450
1974 1,997,130 122,170 1,061,670 813,290
1975 1,300,670 93,480 859,400 347,790
1976 973,420 75,950 684,750 212,720
1977 941,300 82,180 658,930 200,190
1978 896,610 84,360 629,240 183,010
1979 914,350 90,170 639,040 185,140
1980 936,350 91,700 654,580 190,070
1981 722,170 75,390 528,580 118,200
1982 604,290 72,760 449,350 82,180
1983 643,870 78,830 465,190 99,850
1984 735,850 81,580 485,400 168,870
1985 859,290 92,560 627,390 139,340
1986 930,260 98,590 687,520 144,150
1987 891,320 96,940 652,920 141,460
1988 835,650 95,380 603,060 137,210
1989 855,140 100,470 606,990 147,680
1990 981,590 127,430 696,700 157,460
1991 1,199,860 207,940 835,810 156,110
1992 1,455,720 339,210 954,900 161,610
1993 1,620,200 439,860 1,027,300 153,040
1994 1,568,700 460,050 979,480 129,170
1995 1,385,000 407,220 863,230 114,550
1996 1,242,710 359,030 778,990 104,690
1997 980,380 254,320 645,750 80,310
1998 982,570 249,810 642,260 90,500
1999 993,590 256,080 638,450 99,060
2000 1,034,360 258,000 677,230 99,130
2001 1,125,740 273,350 751,380 101,010
2002 1,275,550 301,690 861,610 112,250
2003 1,371,600 320,790 942,340 108,470
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 10 percent sample.
NOTE: Data include only the first application for each person.
a. Totals include applications taken under the abbreviated application process, which was used from 1987 to 1999. Totals do not include reapplications as a result of the Sullivan v. Zebley decision. These reapplications were received from 1991 to 1995.
b. Persons who were converted in 1973 from the state Old-Age Assistance, Aid to the Blind, and Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled programs to the SSI program.
CONTACT: Clark Pickett (410) 965-9016 or