SSI Recipients by State and County, 1998


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1998
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Utah 20,242 2,111 18,131 3,625 13,074 3,543 5,833 $7,530
Beaver 52 11 41 9 29 14 23 17
Box Elder 268 24 244 62 163 43 89 95
Cache 449 33 416 106 290 53 114 169
Carbon 353 15 338 50 257 46 111 135
Daggett 2 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)
Davis 1,179 92 1,087 252 783 144 351 435
Duchesne 221 12 209 44 155 22 64 82
Emery 131 7 124 27 89 15 29 75
Garfield 31 3 28 8 16 7 13 10
Grand 106 6 100 16 78 12 44 34
Iron 284 15 269 57 192 35 96 108
Juab 76 3 73 16 53 7 18 28
Kane 62 5 57 18 35 9 17 23
Millard 116 12 104 19 75 22 39 37
Morgan 20 2 18 4 13 3 6 6
Piute 26 2 24 6 15 5 7 10
Rich 10 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 3
Salt Lake 8,883 1,170 7,713 1,466 5,606 1,811 2,431 3,293
San Juan 695 162 533 64 294 337 275 244
Sanpete 213 24 189 44 131 38 76 80
Sevier 211 26 185 34 130 47 74 90
Summit 50 4 46 10 33 7 12 19
Tooele 234 22 212 45 149 40 70 93
Uintah 360 23 337 79 242 39 102 143
Utah 2,858 180 2,678 615 1,937 306 704 1,021
Wasatch 73 7 66 13 48 12 23 32
Washington 651 53 598 160 407 84 223 235
Wayne 17 1 16 3 12 2 7 5
Weber 2,502 184 2,318 378 1,759 365 772 970
Unknown 109 13 96 16 75 18 37 39
1 Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.