SSI Recipients by State and County, 1999


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Utah 19,999 2,070 17,929 3,301 13,126 3,572 5,873 7,396
Beaver 51 9 42 7 33 11 23 20
Box Elder 267 19 248 59 170 38 83 94
Cache 437 30 407 100 290 47 121 158
Carbon 360 14 346 51 266 43 114 149
Daggett 3 a a a a a a a
Davis 1,175 93 1,082 225 805 145 360 438
Duchesne 215 7 208 42 154 19 63 79
Emery 139 8 131 26 97 16 38 58
Garfield 29 2 27 7 15 7 12 9
Grand 98 6 92 14 70 14 43 32
Iron 302 13 289 54 215 33 99 112
Juab 85 4 81 20 56 9 20 36
Kane 59 3 56 17 37 5 19 18
Millard 130 10 120 22 88 20 50 40
Morgan 18 1 17 5 12 1 7 6
Piute 20 2 18 1 14 5 8 7
Rich 11 a a a a a a 3
Salt Lake 8,713 1,169 7,544 1,292 5,561 1,860 2,382 3,245
San Juan 686 154 532 67 290 329 276 240
Sanpete 227 22 205 46 142 39 76 81
Sevier 206 20 186 31 136 39 66 83
Summit 55 5 50 9 38 8 14 23
Tooele 234 21 213 40 154 40 78 89
Uintah 355 23 332 72 240 43 105 132
Utah 2,860 178 2,682 592 1,962 306 737 1,023
Wasatch 74 4 70 14 50 10 20 26
Washington 655 60 595 139 421 95 232 237
Wayne 17 1 16 2 13 2 8 7
Weber 2,449 183 2,266 336 1,736 377 800 922
Unknown 69 7 62 8 52 9 14 27
a. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.