SSI Recipients by State and County, 1999


Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 1999
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Vermont 12,520 1,629 10,891 1,150 8,274 3,096 6,359 4,421
Addison 622 111 511 56 378 188 334 203
Bennington 818 91 727 111 543 164 395 291
Caledonia 763 109 654 72 488 203 392 259
Chittenden 2,075 281 1,794 157 1,417 501 1,023 740
Essex 163 18 145 11 110 42 91 53
Franklin 1,142 173 969 87 731 324 583 396
Grand Isle 94 23 71 11 51 32 51 35
Lamoille 452 69 383 37 289 126 245 169
Orange 530 92 438 46 322 162 296 184
Orleans 863 115 748 53 591 219 437 327
Rutland 1,809 220 1,589 172 1,184 453 959 610
Washington 1,380 133 1,247 136 954 290 673 487
Windham 826 81 745 92 575 159 404 287
Windsor 965 113 852 108 625 232 471 374
Unknown 18 0 18 1 16 1 5 8