SSI Recipients by State and County, 2000

New Hampshire

Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 2000
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
New Hampshire 11,592 1,008 10,584 1,569 8,147 1,876 4,419 4,398
Belknap 669 36 633 101 480 88 256 258
Carroll 434 24 410 61 314 59 175 178
Cheshire 761 53 708 127 518 116 295 284
Coos 573 45 528 46 419 108 239 206
Grafton 747 54 693 113 520 114 284 270
Hillsboro 3,579 417 3,162 491 2,417 671 1,312 1,366
Merrimack 1,538 91 1,447 223 1,104 211 554 605
Rockingham 1,417 147 1,270 148 1,032 237 538 514
Strafford 1,217 103 1,114 146 877 194 516 455
Sullivan 647 38 609 110 459 78 248 258