SSI Recipients by State and County, 2000

New Jersey

Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 2000
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
New Jersey 146,112 34,014 112,098 19,367 76,678 50,067 48,057 58,943
Atlantic 5,002 938 4,064 679 2,794 1,529 2,008 1,936
Bergen 8,528 3,692 4,836 490 3,475 4,563 2,533 3,208
Burlington 4,122 557 3,565 616 2,639 867 1,434 1,697
Camden 12,053 1,710 10,343 2,043 7,073 2,937 3,927 5,135
Cape May 1,562 170 1,392 226 1,041 295 637 572
Cumberland 4,400 611 3,789 694 2,639 1,067 1,703 1,704
Essex 25,518 4,303 21,215 3,963 14,153 7,402 7,721 10,847
Gloucester 2,896 405 2,491 367 1,865 664 1,118 1,157
Hudson 21,467 6,644 14,823 2,541 9,441 9,485 6,886 8,947
Hunterdon 627 78 549 43 454 130 183 188
Mercer 8,000 1,210 6,790 1,257 4,779 1,964 2,780 3,361
Middlesex 9,415 3,178 6,237 1,055 4,172 4,188 2,623 3,669
Monmouth 6,743 1,475 5,268 783 3,761 2,199 2,669 2,526
Morris 3,284 1,223 2,061 200 1,549 1,535 971 1,186
Ocean 4,655 754 3,901 558 2,901 1,196 1,865 1,706
Passaic 13,578 3,508 10,070 2,015 6,563 5,000 4,228 5,577
Salem 1,160 153 1,007 152 730 278 453 471
Somerset 1,794 627 1,167 169 823 802 528 618
Sussex 1,353 223 1,130 188 841 324 536 472
Union 8,703 2,371 6,332 1,153 4,207 3,343 2,754 3,511
Warren 1,093 158 935 149 684 260 451 391