SSI Recipients by State and County, 2014


Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2014
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI recipients also receiving OASDI Amount of payments (thousands of dollars) a
Aged Blind and disabled Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, Oregon 41 85,136 9,099 76,037 10,735 57,067 17,334 27,882 48,366
Baker 41001 455 31 424 44 334 77 181 239
Benton 41003 1,000 70 930 132 726 142 314 563
Clackamas 41005 5,201 674 4,527 713 3,395 1,093 1,562 3,010
Clatsop 41007 807 70 737 72 608 127 310 426
Columbia 41009 1,010 42 968 134 758 118 302 586
Coos 41011 2,340 146 2,194 241 1,689 410 786 1,294
Crook 41013 453 21 432 53 333 67 175 247
Curry 41015 633 65 568 38 465 130 246 366
Deschutes 41017 2,254 144 2,110 331 1,619 304 773 1,265
Douglas 41019 3,255 192 3,063 314 2,473 468 1,174 1,890
Gilliam 41021 36 (X) (X) (X) 23 (X) 16 17
Grant 41023 166 14 152 12 113 41 81 77
Harney 41025 229 16 213 18 168 43 103 119
Hood River 41027 259 31 228 38 166 55 102 123
Jackson 41029 4,670 384 4,286 662 3,212 796 1,774 2,615
Jefferson 41031 657 37 620 108 443 106 216 384
Josephine 41033 2,775 194 2,581 275 2,051 449 948 1,618
Klamath 41035 1,998 117 1,881 235 1,452 311 717 1,125
Lake 41037 241 15 226 26 175 40 84 133
Lane 41039 9,089 540 8,549 1,101 6,691 1,297 3,073 5,102
Lincoln 41041 1,296 106 1,190 113 968 215 497 715
Linn 41043 3,300 153 3,147 385 2,485 430 1,046 2,001
Malheur 41045 955 80 875 168 603 184 366 527
Marion 41047 7,214 663 6,551 1,284 4,603 1,327 2,249 4,077
Morrow 41049 223 12 211 28 167 28 87 116
Multnomah 41051 20,854 3,303 17,551 2,216 12,819 5,819 6,192 12,096
Polk 41053 1,362 89 1,273 209 952 201 440 725
Sherman 41055 38 (X) (X) (X) 32 (X) 12 24
Tillamook 41057 532 35 497 59 390 83 188 271
Umatilla 41059 1,732 145 1,587 267 1,138 327 622 1,010
Union 41061 620 34 586 82 439 99 232 335
Wallowa 41063 152 11 141 (X) 120 (X) 68 74
Wasco 41065 666 44 622 88 472 106 252 367
Washington 41067 7,076 1,499 5,577 1,029 3,898 2,149 2,154 3,914
Wheeler 41069 31 (X) (X) (X) 19 (X) (X) 17
Yamhill 41071 1,557 112 1,445 242 1,068 247 531 895
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record and Supplemental Security Record, 100 percent data; and U.S. Postal Service geographic data.
NOTES: ANSI = American National Standards Institute; (X) = suppressed to avoid disclosing information about particular individuals.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
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