Annual Statistical Supplement, 2024

Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance

Benefits in Current-Payment Status

With Representative Payee

Table 5.L1 Number of all beneficiaries, and number and percentage of beneficiaries who have a representative payee, by type of beneficiary and age, December 2023
Type of beneficiary and age All beneficiaries Beneficiaries with representative payee
Number Percentage of all beneficiaries
Total 67,076,966 4,682,089 7.0
Adults 63,294,577 1,305,955 2.1
Retired workers 50,147,679 517,244 1.0
Under 65 2,518,674 9,070 0.4
65–74 26,156,098 242,261 0.9
75–84 16,470,130 162,712 1.0
85 or older 5,002,777 103,201 2.1
Disabled workers 7,365,987 699,915 9.5
Under 35 250,834 83,458 33.3
35–44 685,092 136,108 19.9
45–54 1,507,103 170,970 11.3
55–FRA 4,922,958 309,379 6.3
Wives and husbands 1,984,227 16,496 0.8
Under 65 163,185 1,263 0.8
65–74 996,907 7,411 0.7
75–84 674,576 5,694 0.8
85 or older 149,559 2,128 1.4
Widowed mothers and fathers 107,591 258 0.2
Under 65 105,416 225 0.2
65 or older 2,175 33 1.5
Nondisabled widow(er)s 3,487,630 63,539 1.8
Under 65 408,334 1,601 0.4
65–74 1,274,119 12,987 1.0
75–84 989,920 20,583 2.1
85 or older 815,257 28,368 3.5
Disabled widow(er)s 200,644 8,465 4.2
Under 55 12,553 484 3.9
55–FRA 188,091 7,981 4.2
Parents of deceased workers 819 38 4.6
Children 3,782,389 3,376,134 89.3
Under age 18 2,547,804 2,546,371 99.9
In custody of parent payee 2,244,143 2,244,143 100.0
Not in custody of parent payee 303,661 302,228 99.5
Disabled adult children 1,142,375 826,032 72.3
Under 35 340,500 251,166 73.8
35–44 280,120 192,145 68.6
45–54 221,886 151,621 68.3
55 or older 299,869 231,100 77.1
Students, aged 18–19 92,210 3,731 4.0
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTE: FRA = full retirement age.