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Information about the Social Security Fairness Act (WEP/GPO)

The “Windfall Elimination Provision” (WEP) and “Government Pension Offset” (GPO) will no longer reduce benefit payments. Learn more about the change.

See how your pension may affect your benefits

For Retirement and Disability benefits

Your Social Security benefit might be reduced if you get a pension from an employer who wasn’t required to withhold Social Security taxes. This reduction is called the “Windfall Elimination Provision” (WEP). It most commonly affects government work or work in other countries.

You won't have this reduction if you paid Social Security taxes for 30 years on enough work outside your pension-earning job(s). See a WEP chart that shows how years of Substantial Earnings can change your reduction (PDF).

Estimate the most your Retirement or Disability benefit could decrease:

For Spousal or Survivor benefits

Your benefit might be reduced if you get a pension from a government employer who wasn’t required to withhold Social Security taxes. This reduction is called the “Government Pension Offset” (GPO). Learn more about this reduction (PDF).

Estimate the most your Spousal or Survivor benefit could decrease: