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Resources To Assist Youth With the Transition To A Successful Adulthood

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Special Rules For Persons Who Are Blind

Additional Help With Health Care For Persons With Disabilities

Example of Concurrent Benefits With Employment Supports

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Resources To Assist Youth With the Transition To A Successful Adulthood

We provide general information to assist youth and the parents, providers, or representatives of a youth receiving SSI or SSDI to locate national and community supports, employment supports, work incentives, and resources. Also, we send an annual notice and informational publication entitled, “What You Need to Know About Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) When You Turn 18” to these transition-aged youth between the ages of 14-17. It is also available online at You can also get a copy from your local office or by calling our toll-free number 1-800-772-1213, or at our TTY number 1-800-325-0778, between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Employment Supports/
National and Community Resources
(Alphabetically Listed)

How These Resources Can Help You

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Accounts

Do you have expenses related to blindness or disability that began prior to age 26?

To learn more about ABLE accounts, go to the Internal Revenue Services’ website (, to view the regulation, Tax Benefit for Disability: IRC Section 529A.


Do you want to find a national volunteer opportunity suited to your particular skills, interests, and circumstances?

For more information, go to the AmeriCorps website at

American Job Centers

Are you looking for free education, employment, and training services to assist you with finding a job?

American Job Centers (formerly known as One-Stop Career Centers) provide job seekers with a variety of tools and services to help them get back to work. You can locate your closest American Job Center at

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Are you looking for Support Services for Youth in Transition: Youth with Disabilities?

This website provides resources that address the needs of transitioning youth with disabilities and offers strategies for developing appropriate support services for them, including state and local examples. For interactive links go to:

Continued Payment Under a Vocational Rehabilitation or Similar Program (Section 301)

Has your medical condition improved and are you participating in a vocational rehabilitation or similar program, or are you a student with an individualized education plan (IEP)?

If you are participating in an appropriate program of vocational rehabilitation (VR) or similar services, your benefits may continue until your participation in the program ends.

Financial Literacy Information for Young People with Disabilities

Research shows that low educational attainment, employment expectations, and confusing governmental programs with conflicting eligibility criteria negatively impact young people. This has resulted in many young people with disabilities not making successful transitions from school to postsecondary education, employment, and independent living. While many would like to learn how to save money and build assets, they fear getting a job and saving a portion of their income may cause them to lose their disability benefits and other supports, such as health care. Complex rules in current federal and state programs often create disincentives for these youth to seek employment or increase earnings and assets. One major obstacle that contributes to this issue is the lack of money management knowledge and skills or financial literacy among this group. For more information, please see the websites:;; and

Foster Care Transition Toolkit

Are you or were you in foster care, have a disability and need additional resources or accommodations?
Developed by the U.S. Department of Education, this toolkit helps youth currently in foster care and young adults formerly in foster care to access information and resources needed to begin their transition to adulthood. To learn more, go to


Get to Where You Want to Go

Are there youth with disabilities in your family?

This resource guide, produced by the Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, provides tips and resources to help plan for adulthood and life after high school. Visit to get more information.

Grants, Scholarship, Fellowships, and Gifts

Are you a student receiving a grant, scholarship, fellowship, or gift used for paying tuition, fees, or other necessary educational expenses at a college or vocational school?

We will not count certain grants, scholarships, fellowships, and gifts as income and resources up to 9 months for SSI purposes. We do not count any portion used to pay for tuition, fees, and other necessary educational expenses at any educational institution including vocational and technical education. Read the policy at

The Guidepost to Success

The Guidepost to Success is a summary of what youth need to successfully transition to adulthood. It was developed using extensive review of research, demonstration projects, and effective practices, including lessons from youth development, quality education, and workforce development programs. The Guidepost can help steer families, institutions, and youth themselves through the transition processes. For more information, please see: or

Hands on Banking/ El futuro en tus manos®

Are you interested in learning more about financial responsibility?

Hands on Banking/ El futuro en tus manos® is a program available in both English and Spanish that teaches people in all stages of life about the basics of responsible money management. This includes how to create a budget, saving and investing, borrowing responsibly, buying a home, and establishing a small business. Visit for more information.

Health Insurance for Children

Are you looking for free or low-cost health insurance coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program?

Ask questions about children’s health insurance and how to apply, by calling 1-877-KIDS NOW (1-877-543-7669) to connect to an agency in your state. You can also contact your state’s family-to-family health information center, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Visit to find a center in your state. You can find a low-cost, affordable health center at and information on how to enroll in health insurance through a Health Insurance Marketplace is available by calling 1-800-318-2596 or visiting
Helping Young People with Disabilities Successfully Transition to Adulthood

Do you need assistance with transitioning to adulthood?

Youth with disabilities leaving foster care have an expanded early application period of up to 180 days, which may help with a smoother transition to adult SSI payments. You learn more in our blog post at

Individual Development Accounts (IDA)

Do you work and have a goal to save for buying a home, going to school, or starting a business?

An IDA can help you. For more information visit

Individualized Education Plan

As a student with a disability in elementary or secondary education, do you have an Individualized Education Plan?

Learn about the Individualized Education Plan at

Infographic:  Medicaid and Children And Youth With Special Health Care Needs

Would you like to know more about Medicaid for children and youth with special health care needs and their families? 

The Catalyst Center at Boston University developed an infographic to help. Visit and search for Infographic: Medicaid and Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.
Job Corps

Are you a young person looking for career assistance?

A free education and training program helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. Job Corps provides all-around skills needed to succeed in a career and in life for eligible young people at least 16 years of age with low income. To learn more about Job Corps and find a Job Corps program near you go to:

Do you need assistance with managing your finances? provides financial information on a variety of topics, including how to earn, save and invest, protect, spend, and borrow. Go online to to learn more.

Neighborhood Navigator Tool

Do you need assistance with needs such as childcare, housing, transportation, employment, or legal services?

The Neighborhood Navigator Tool can help with referrals from doctors, service providers, counselors, families, and caregivers. Visit the Neighborhood Navigator Tool online at

Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS)

Do you want to set aside money to pursue an employment goal, self-employment, or education?

Information is provided earlier in this publication and on our website at:
Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)

How can this resource can help you?

 PABSS organizations strive to protect the legal rights of Social Security disability beneficiaries and SSI recipients who want to work. They assist youth in transition in identifying and removing barriers to employment and independence and can provide information about obtaining vocational rehabilitation services. To locate the PABSS organization in your state, contact the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 (TTY 1-866-833-2967) Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time.  You can also locate your PABSS at

Section 504

As a student with a disability in elementary or secondary education, do you have a Section 504 plan?

Learn about the Section 504 plan at

SSI Eligibility for Students Temporarily Studying Abroad

Are you eligible for SSI while outside the US on an international academic program?

Learn about how certain people may be absent from the US for up to 1 year and continue to receive SSI if they meet certain conditions. For information about international exchange if you receive SSI go to

State Health Programs and Services

Are you looking for a Parent Center in your state?
Learn about programs assisting with health care costs, health assessments and treatments, and other services in your state by contacting the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration’s toll-free hotline at 1-800-311-2229 (Spanish: 1-800-504-7081) or at

State’s Parent Center

Are you looking for a Parent Center in your state?

Parent Centers perform a variety of direct services for children and youth with disabilities, families, professionals, and other organizations that support them.
Find a Parent Center at .

State’s Vocational Rehabilitation Agency

Are you looking for a Vocational Rehabilitation Agency in your state?

Find a vocational rehabilitation agency at

Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE)

Are you under age 22, regularly attending school, and working?

This process is explained earlier in this Book and online:
Think College

Are you a student thinking about college?

Think College is a national organization focused on developing, expanding, and improving research and practice in inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities.  Learn about information to assist students, families, and educators with the college search at
What You Need to Know About Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) When You Turn 18

Do you need more information about SSI?

We have a publication that describes key resources and information for youth with disabilities receiving SSI. It explains the age-18 redetermination and special SSI work incentives for people participating in special education, Vocational Rehabilitation, or working while attending school. It also includes information about ABLE accounts, health programs, and support from other organizations, such as American Job Centers. We mail the publication each year to all SSI recipients ages 14-17 and their representative payees. It’s also available at Or you can get a copy from your local office or by calling our toll-free number 1-800-772-1213 between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Projects

How can this resource help you?

Beginning at age 14, WIPA projects provide information and benefits counseling to help you understand how work and earnings can affect your benefits.  To learn more about work incentives and to locate the nearest WIPA project, contact the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7842 (TTY 1-866-833-2967) Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Time.  You can also find information about WIPA projects at
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)-Eligible Training Programs

How can this resource help you?

WIOA works with states and local areas to provide resources to support in-school and out-of-school youth. If you’re eligible for WIOA training services, you can find eligible training providers in your state. Local training services include an array of services to assist youth to prepare for post-secondary education and employment opportunities, attain skills training, and secure employment with career opportunities.  To find out if you’re eligible, to learn more and ask about services, or to connect with your local American Job Center see link at

Are you looking for programs and services focused on youth?

This federal website provides resources about programs and services focusing on youth. Go to


Are you looking for information on community services?

YouthBuild engages young people to rebuild their communities and their lives by providing pathways to education, employment, or training. For more  information about YouthBuild, visit

Youth in Transition: Youth Development and Leadership

Are you preparing for your transition to adulthood?

The U.S. Department of Labor provides links to resources for youth with disabilities preparing to transition to adulthood. The site includes information on mentors and role models, cultivating leadership, education, employment, and more. Go to: U.S. Department of Labor - Youth.

Youth Program Finder

How can this resource help you?

If you’re between the ages of 16 and 24, you may be able to find free job, career, and training assistance at a local youth program.  Different programs offer different services, so try contacting a few programs to ask what kinds of assistance they offer. To locate a youth program, visit

Note: We are not endorsing any non-federal government organization, program, or employees thereof by listing the organization or program in this publication. We include the names and contact information for organizations or programs only as a convenience to you.