The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Ticket to Work Program is no longer accepting Request for Applications (RFA) through the mail via the United States Postal Service or any other mail delivery system. All RFAs must be sent electronically to In addition, please do not include any Social Security Numbers with your application. SSA will not accept RFAs if your application does not include both a complete SAM registration and a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
Employment Network Request for Application
Social Security has released a Request for Application (RFA) (SSA- EN-RFA-25-0001) for Employment Networks (EN) under the Ticket to Work Program. The RFA explains the responsibilities and purposes of an EN, requirements of an agreement, and directions for submitting an application.
Social Security staff will answer any questions you have about becoming an EN and the RFA submission process. Please direct your questions to Social Security's EN Service team.
In accordance with Section 1148(f) of the Social Security Act, this opportunity is not open to Federal Agencies.