Registration Requirements For Direct Payments To Representatives
Find out what attorneys and other representatives need to know to get paid directly from a claimant's past-due benefits.
Find out what attorneys and other representatives need to know to get paid directly from a claimant's past-due benefits.
Find out who needs a Social Security number and how to get one.
This fact sheet provides new and useful information for the current year's Social Security taxes, benefits, and other factors of eligibility.
Learn how we identify suspected fraud, waste, or abuse.
Don't be victimized by misleading advertisers who use "Social Security" or "Medicare" to sell services that are available from Social Security free of charge.
Get a quick overview of the most important features of the Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicare programs.
Learn how your Social Security benefits may be reduced if you get a pension based on work where you did not pay Social Security taxes.
Certain family members of the deceased may be eligible to receive monthly benefits, including a one-time payment of $255.
Learn more about how child noncitizens with deferred action may be able to get a Social Security number.
If your clients need a replacement Social Security card, let them know that they may be able to request a replacement card online using their own my Social Security account.
This pub describes employers responsibilities when hiring foreign workers.
Learn the rules about the Medicare Part B Special Enrollment Period, how to apply and what happens if you don't enroll in one.
Get an overview of benefits for same-sex couples.
Learn how military personnel earn Social Security credits and other general information about Social Security benefits.
Find out how workers' compensation and other public disability benefits may reduce your Social Security benefits.
Learn about an employer's responsibility to withhold FICA taxes from a household worker's wages and the value of Social Security to household employees.
Learn what self-employed people need to know about Social Security credits, how to figure net earnings, and how to report earnings.
Find out why it is important to get a Social Security number for your child.
Get an overview of all Social Security programs and Medicare.
If you work in the farming industry, learn what your Social Security and Medicare taxes cover and find out how to report your employees' income and your own as well.
Learn about the special benefits available for children with disabilities and certain eligibility requirements.
Learn how workers in a nonprofit organization can pay Social Security and Medicare taxes and earn entitlement to benefits.
People with disabilities can get basic information on Social Security benefits.
Find out how you can receive expedited processing of your disability claim from us if you became disabled while on active military service on or after October 1, 2001.
Get a current schedule for Social Security and SSI benefit payments in an easy-to-read calendar format.
Get a current schedule for Social Security and SSI benefit payments in an easy-to-read calendar format.
Get a current schedule for Social Security and SSI benefit payments in an easy-to-read calendar format.
Learn about the convenient and secure online services available from Social Security.
If you run a business, make Employer W-2 Filing Instructions & Information your first stop for information on W-2s, electronic filing and verifying Social Security numbers.
Learn about Social Security retirement benefits: how you earn coverage; how to apply; how benefits are figured; and how to decide when to retire.
This publication explains survivors benefits information for parents of deceased workers.
Learn how correcting a flawed formula for calculating cost-of-living adjustments affected beneficiaries born in 1917 through 1921.
This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current policies or procedures.
Learn about Medicare hospital and medical insurance, who is covered, and how to apply.
This publication explains essential Social Security and benefit information for working women.
Find out how your Social Security benefits could be affected if you're eligible for a pension from work not covered by us.
Discover the advantages of submitting disability claims electronically.
Learn why some state and local employees are covered by their public pensions only; some are covered by both public pensions and Social Security; and some are covered by Social Security only.
Learn about special services available from Social Security for people who are blind or have low vision.
Find out how Social Security reviews the medical condition of people receiving disability benefits to make sure they continue to be eligible for benefits.
You can get a benefit verification letter online instantly by using your personal my Social Security account. If you don't have an account, you can create one today. It's easy, convenient and secure.
Learn more about how you can appeal a Social Security decision when you disagree with the findings.
Tax Preparers can learn about our useful resources for helping their clients easily access tax related documents and services.
Find out how disabled Social Security and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries can return to work and still receive health care and benefits.
If you receive disability benefits and want to work, learn how you can take advantage of the Ticket to Work program and keep your benefits and Medicare coverage while you make the transition.
Learn how Social Security determines a person's progress under the Ticket to Work program and how earnings affect benefits.
Learn how special payments for work done before retirement, such as bonuses, vacation pay and commissions, do not count toward the Social Security earnings limit.
Learn how to prevent identity theft and what you can do if you fall victim to these criminals.
Find out how people with a qualifying disability can get vocational rehabilitation, employment, and other support services from public and private providers, employers, and other organizations.
Find out how your retirement benefits can increase or decrease if you work after receiving benefits.
Learn about the formula used to calculate Social Security retirement benefits and take advantage of a worksheet to help you estimate your retirement benefits.
Learn what you should do if you think the administrative law judge who conducted your hearing treated you unfairly.
Find out what work credits are, how they're earned, and just how many you'll need to get benefits.
Receiving Social Security electronic payment is a simple, safe, and secure way to receive your benefits - even if you don't have a bank account.
Learn how Social Security can help you and your family, the importance of your Social Security number, how your boss reports your earnings, and how to make sure your earnings are reported correctly.
Learn more about your right to have a representative, such as an attorney, to help you do business with Social Security.
Find out what you need to know when you are appointed as representative for someone else's Social Security benefits and SSI payments.
Find out what you can expect from Social Security, what your reporting responsibilities are, and how to report changes that could affect benefits.
Check your earnings record to make sure your earnings have been properly reported to Social Security. You and your family may not receive the right amount of benefits if all your wages are not shown on your record.
Get specific information about survivors benefits: who is eligible; how to apply; and how benefits are figured.
Many children are eligible for benefits because one or both of their parents are living with a disability, retired or deceased.
After you apply for disability benefits, you may need special medical exams or tests before we can decide whether you qualify.
Find out how some institutions can receive payments for reporting information about confined or incarcerated people.
Learn how a victim of family violence may be able to get a new Social Security number.
Learn about incentives for working while still receiving disability benefits, such as the trial work period, continuation of Medicare and credit for impairment-related work expenses.
Learn about Social Security's policy on issuing Social Security numbers to noncitizens.
Understand what it means to have a representative payee help you manage your Social Security benefits.
Learn why you may be paid too much in benefits and how to repay.
Get information about various nutrition programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Get an overview of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, find out if you qualify, and how to apply.
Learn about Social Security's policy on issuing Social Security numbers to foreign workers who are authorized to work in the United States.
Get the website address for Social Security's online services.
Find out how you can ask for a new decision without having to file an appeal.
Learn valuable information about women and their eligibility to benefits under the Social Security program.
Find out how to apply for or get Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits reinstated after being released from jail, prison, or certain other public institutions.
Learn about special reporting responsibilities for Social Security beneficiaries living outside the United States.
Take a look at some factors that can help you make an informed decision about the best time to retire.
Find out what you can expect from Social Security and how and when to report changes that can affect your benefits.
Find out about a special program for certain veterans of World War II.
Social Security's Ticket to Work program information for tribal programs and tribal nations.
Learn about the agreements between the United States and other countries to help you avoid double taxation while working abroad, and help you qualify for future Social Security benefits.
Learn about the rules that apply to international students who want a Social Security number.
You can help Social Security protect your Social Security number and information with a few simple steps. This fact sheet explains how.
Learn how to update your Social Security card after a name change.
When to start receiving retirement benefits is a personal decision based on your situation. Learn about factors to consider as you think about when to start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits.
Get the right information from the right resource. This factsheet provides links to SSA and Medicare webpages with the information you need.
Learn how sheltered workshops can participate in electronic monthly wage reporting and how SSI recipients can get accurate payments.
If you receive SSI and work, don't forget to report your wages timely to receive the correct payment amount.
Find out how Social Security beneficiaries can have their benefits start again after being released from prison.
This publication provides funeral homes with an overview of benefits survivors may be eligible for after the death of a loved one.
Find out more about income-related monthly adjustment amounts for Medicare premiums.
An overview of the Extra Help available to cover the costs of a Medicare prescription drug plan and a list of factors you should consider when comparing plans.
Learn what documents you need to get a replacement card for an adult.
Learn what documents you need to change your name on your Social Security card.
Learn what documents you need to get a replacement card for a child.
Learn what documents you need to get a replacement card for an adult who isn't a U.S. citizen.
Puerto Rican residents can avoid penalties by asking for Medicare Part B, medical insurance, at the same time they apply for Medicare Part A.
Find out how easy it is to apply online for retirement benefits.
Get easy-to-follow instructions for using Social Security's online benefit application.
Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are adjusted to reflect the increase, if any, in the cost of living. This fact sheet explains the purpose of the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and how it is figured.
This guide provides information that can help you decide when to start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits.
Learn how fast and easy it is to apply for Medicare online.
Get step-by-step instructions on using the online Medicare-only benefit application, complete with screenshots.
Get step-by-step instructions for creating a personal “my Social Security” account.
Find out about the advantages of applying online for disability benefits.
Get a benefit verification letter instantly using your personal my Social Security account.
This information for advocates, social service agencies and other third parties explains how to help clients get a replacement Social Security card.
Information for agencies and other organizations on how to get proof of Social Security Numbers or Benefits.
The Social Security Administration is launching a new initiative to provide expedited processing of disability claims filed by veterans who have a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Compensation rating of 100% Permanent & Total (P&T).
Learn if your earnings are covered by Social Security if you work in the United States for a foreign government or an instrumentality of a foreign government.
Learn about online service options that don't require a visit to a Social Security office. This fact sheet includes brief descriptions, webpage links, and QR codes you can use if reading this fact sheet in print.
Learn about the eligibility requirements to get SSI.
Learn about the Social Security Disability Insurance program.
This is an overview of Supplemental Security Income.
This new publication is a factsheet to inform the public about SSI eligibility.
Learn about the age-18 redetermination, work incentives, and services that helps children who receive SSI make the transition to adulthood.
Learn about SSI recipients' rights and responsibilities - what they can expect, events they must report, and how to report them.
This is a comprehensive explanation of SSI tailored to groups and organizations that serve or have contact with the SSI population.
Learn the eligibility requirements for noncitizens to qualify for SSI.
Find out who is eligible to receive Supplemental Security Income program benefits.
Learn about the money the state of Nevada adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the state of Hawaii adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the state of California adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the state of Vermont adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the state of New Jersey adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the state of Pennsylvania adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the District of Columbia adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about the money the state of Rhode Island adds to federal SSI payments each month.
Learn about Supplemental Security Income eligibility requirements.
Learn about how some people may request a religious exemption from paying SECA or FICA taxes if they are members of a religious sect opposed to receiving payments made because of disability, death, or old age/retirement.
This fact sheet explains how more same-sex partners may qualify for survivors benefits under an agreement for Ely v. Saul and Thornton v. Commissioner of Social Security.
Learn about the disability application and evaluation process, including tips and examples, for adults with Sickle Cell Disease.
Learn about the disability application and evaluation process, including tips and examples to help in navigating the process, for children with Sickle Cell Disease.
Information for health professionals about the Social Security disability evaluation process and the kinds of medical evidence we need to evaluate disability for individuals with sickle cell disease.
The Red Book provides information on Social Security and SSI disability. It is written primarily for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals, and counselors who serve people with a qualifying disability. We also expect applicants and beneficiaries to use it as a self-help guide.
This edition of Disability Evaluation Under Social Security, also known as the Blue Book, has been specially prepared to provide physicians and other health professionals with an understanding of the disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration. It explains how each program works, and the kinds of information a health professional can furnish to help ensure sound and prompt decisions on disability claims.
Get general information about options available to ESRD patients.
Learn how to get ready for your disability interview or online application with a checklist, an optional worksheet to help you gather information, and a fact sheet with answers to questions.
Learn how to get ready for the child disability interview or Child Disability Report with a checklist, an optional worksheet to help you gather information, and a fact sheet with answers to questions.
Information about the age-18 redetermination process.
Contact information for resources and providers who can help the beneficiary earn income.
Information about work incentives helping beneficiary receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid while working.
Information about Social Security work incentives to assist beneficiaries with increasing their income.
Information about what happens to the beneficiary's Supplemental Security Income (SSI) when they turn 18.
List of resources and programs to help the beneficiary prepare to work.
Learn about the differences between the disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Learn about Attending a Telehealth Consultative Examination.
Appointed representatives can access their clients' electronic claim folders (eFolders) pending at the hearing level via a secured website.
If you are eligible for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income Benefits, we want to make sure you get them on time and in the right amount. After we decide your benefit eligibility, we will either stop your benefits or change the amount, and we will send you a letter explaining our decision. If you disagree with our decision, you have the right to appeal it. When you ask for an appeal, Social Security may review the entire decision, including those parts which were favorable to you.
When you request a hearing with an administrative law judge, there are four ways that you may appear at a hearing in person at one of our offices, by audio using a telephone, by agency video at one of our offices, or by online video using a personal electronic device. Before we schedule the hearing, we will give you the opportunity to object to appearing by audio, by agency video, or both, and to let us know if you would like to attend by online video.