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Social Security performance

Strengthening Social Security for millions of Americans

More than 70 million people depend on Social Security benefits, and millions more reach out each year for other services like requesting a new Social Security card. We’re working to provide our customers with the service they expect.

Key Challenges

  • 800 number performance

    Answer calls within an average of 12 minutes by the end of fiscal year 2025 while increasing the percentage of calls answered.
  • Processing time for Retirement, Survivor, and Medicare benefits

    Process 83% of Retirement, Survivor, or Medicare claims in time for payment at the earliest point due (or within 2 weeks of filing for benefits if filed too late for payment at the earliest point due).
  • Disability processing time

    Process initial disability claims within approximately 7 months (215 days) by the end of fiscal year 2025.
  • Disability appeals time

    Conduct disability determination appeals hearings and issue decisions within an end of year monthly (September) average processing time of 270 days in fiscal year 2025.