Demonstration project; SSI: 1110(b)(2)(D)
Representative payee requirement: 1631(a)(2)
Social services: 2002(a)(2)(A)
Court review: 205(g), (h); 1631(c)(3)
Extension; nonwork days: 216(j)
Penalty: 1128A(g)
Statute of limitations; interrelationship: 205(c)(5)
Work deductions; benefits suspended all year: 203(h)(1)(B)
Unemployment compensation: 908
Health program regulations: 1122
National Advisory Health Council: 1122(i)
Public Welfare: 1114
Aid to aged, blind, or disabled: 1602(b)(1)*
Early retirement age definition: 216(l)(2)
Hospital benefits: 1811; 1818(a)(1); 1818A
Increase factor: 216(l)(3)
Medical benefits: 1836
Reduction in benefit amount: 202(q)
Child benefits: 202(d)(1)
Disability benefits: 223(a)(1)(B)
Husband benefits: 202(c)(1)(B)
Old-age benefits: 202(a)(2)
Parent benefits: 202(h)(1)(A)
Widow benefits: 202(e)(1)(B)(i)
Widower benefits: 202(f)(1)(B)
Wife benefits: 202(b)(1)(B)
Retirement age definition: 216(l)(1)
Retirement; disability benefits: 202(c)(1)(D); 216(l); 223(a)(1)
Seventy; deductions from benefits: 203(j)
State plans for medical assistance: 1902(b)(1)
Work deductions: 203(c)
Agent-driver; employee: 210(j)(3)(A)
Material participation: 211(a)(1)
State; Parent Locator Service: 453(c)
Crew leader; definition: 210(n)
Definition: 210(f)
Farm; definition: 210(g)
Foreign worker: 210(a)(1)
Material participation: 211(a)(1)
Quarter of coverage: 213(a)(2)(A)(i), (a)(2)(B)(iv), (a)(end)
Sharefarmer; Exclusion
Employment: 210(a)(16)
Trade or business: 211(c)(2)(B)
State optional exclusion: 218(c)(5)
Unemployment compensation research: 906(a)(2)
Wage Exclusion
Cash pay: 209(a)(7)(B)
Employer-paid tax: 209(a)(5)
Noncash pay: 209(a)(7)
Definition: 1605(a)*
Determination: 1602(a)(14)*; 1605*
Eligibility: 1109; 1602(a)(13)*
Purpose: 1601*
State plan requirements: 1602(a)*
Veterans benefits: 1133
Definition: 1006
Determination: 1002(a)
Eligibility: 1109
Eligibility for Other Aid
Aged, blind, and disabled: 1602(a)(11)*
Permanently and totally disabled: 1402(a)
Inmate of institution: 1006
Rent: 1006(end)
State plan requirements: 1002(a)
Veterans benefits: 1133
Federal percentage: 1101(a)(8)(D)
Stock share; resources exclusion: 1613(a)(5)
Payment to hospital: 1886(d)(5)(H)
Adoption assistance: 473(a)(2)(end)
Color of law: 1614(a)(1)(B)
Departure from U.S.: 202(t)(8)
Employment: 210(a)(18), (a)(19)
Foster care: 472(a)(end)
Income; deemed: 1614(f)(3)
Lawfully admitted: 1614(a)(1)(B)
Outside U.S.
Overpayment liability: 1621(e)
Prosecution: 208(d)
Resources; deemed: 1614(f)(3)
Self-employment income: 211(b)(end)
number issuance: 205(c)(2)(B)
Sponsor’s income and resources: 1621
State plan: 1902(a)(end)
Work outside U.S.: 203(k)
Consent: 459(a)
Unearned income: 1612(a)(2)(E)
Allotment: 1108(c)
Employment: 210(a)(7)(C)
Federal medical assistance: 1902(j); 1905(b)(2)
Mental retardation grant: 1701
Physician; definition: 1163
Resident; self-employment income: 211(b)(end)
State: 210(h); 1101(a)(1)
U.S.; geographical sense: 210(i)
Eligible individual: 1611(b)(1)
Income ranges: 1631(a)(3)
Special age 72 benefits: 228(b)
SSI benefits: 1127; 1611(c)(2), (c)(3); 1613(d)(3)
Transitionally insured worker: 227
Worker: 215(a)
Alien nonpayment provision: 202(t)(7)
Armed Forces pay outside U.S.: 203(f)(5)(C)
Beneficiary: 203(b)(1)
Deferred income: 203(f)(5)(D)(ii)
Dependents: 203(b)(1)
Effect of
Death: 203(f)(8)(A)
Legislative change: 203(f)(8)(C)
Estimate: 203(h)(3)
Excess Earnings
Exempt amount: 203(f)(8)
Insured worker: 203(b)(1)
NE/SE: 203(f)(5)(B)
Retirement pay: 203(f)(5)(C)
Royalties: 203(f)(5)(D)(i)
Total earnings: 203(f)(5)
Wages: 203(f)(5)(A)(i), (f)(5)(C)
Work deductions: 203(f)(1)
Unearned income: 1612(a)(2)(B)
Wage exclusion: 209(a)(4)
Capital expense; health care facility: 1122(f)
Cost: 1861(v)(1)(R)
Home and Community Care
Determination: 1929(c)(2)(G)
ICCP: 1929(d)(3)
Hospital classification: 1886(d)(5)(C)
Nursing facility residents: 1919(e)(3), (e)(7)(F), (f)(3)
Payment to provider: 1886(d)(7)
Skilled nursing facility residents: 1819(e)(3), (f)(3)
State: 1116(a)(2), (a)(3)
Aid to aged, blind, and disabled: 1602(a)(8)*
Aid to blind: 1002(a)(11)
Aid to disabled: 1402(a)(10)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(8)
Old-age assistance: 2(a)(8)
Unemployment funds: 1201(a)(3)(A)
Earnings record impact: 205(c)(5)(A)
Filing: 202(j)(1), (j)(5), (k)(1), (r); 216(i)(2)(F)(i); 1631(e)(5)
Hospital insurance: 226(a), (b)(2)(C)(i)
Lump Sum
Entitlement requirement: 202(i)(end)
Filing: 202(p)
Parent benefits: 202(h)(1)(E)
Prospective life of application: 202(j)(2)
Retroactivity: 202(j)(4)
Special age 72 benefits: 228(a)(4)
Veterans Affairs, Department of: 202(o)
Veteran’s survivor: 217(b)(3)
Waiver of retroactive entitlement: 202(j)(3)
Adoption assistance: 470
Child support: 451
Child welfare services: 420
Disability insurance trust fund: 201(b)
Foster care for children: 470
Health care research: 1142
Medical and social services; pilot program: 1620
Mental illness: 1701
Military service credits: 217(g)
National Commission on Children: 1139(j)
Obligation deemed; Secretary’s estimate: 455(b)(3); 1603(b)(4)*; 1903(d)(4)
OASI trust fund: 201(a)
Paternity establishment: 451
Reimbursement of Trust Funds
Deemed wages of Armed Forces: 229(b)
Government contributions and contingency reserve: 1844(a)(2)
Internee (Japanese): 231(c)
Social services: 2001
Spouse support: 451
State or community program on aging: 301
Supplemental security income: 1601
Transitional independent living programs: 470
Unemployment compensation: 301
Definition: 1861(w)(1)
Utilization review activities: 1861(w)(2)
Nursing Facility
Committee: 1919(b)(1)(B)
Resident’s functional capacity: 1919(b)(3), (b)(6)(C)
Principal: 1128A(l)
Skilled Nursing Facility
Committee: 1819(b)(1)(B)
Resident’s functional capacity: 1819(b)(3), (b)(6)(C), (g)(2)(E)(iii)
Alimony and child support: 459(a)
Health insurance program: 1842(b)
Limitation: 1902(a)(32)
Medicare supplemental policy payment: 1842(h)(3)
Prohibition: 207; 1631(d)(1); 1902(a)(32)
Right to payment; assignment of collection: 1902(a)(45); 1912
Civil monetary penalty: 1128A(c)(1)
Issuance of numbers: 205(c)(2)(B)(iii)
Alien; information: 1621(d)
Civil action: 508(b)(1), (c); 1892(a)(2)(C)(i), (a)(3)(A)
Adoption assistance: 471(a)(13)
Authority to request documents: 1861(v)(1)(I)
Child support program: 452(a)(4)
Foster care: 471(a)(13)
Nursing facility: 1919
Provider records: 1902(a)(42)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819
Plan: 471(a)(13); 1902(a)(13)(A)
* State-administered Title XVI