Evaluation of regulation of medicare supplemental policies: 1882(f)(1)(A)
Model Standards: 1882(b)(1)(A), (g)(2)(A), (m), (n)
See Payment
Agricultural: 211(a)
Amount; optional method of reporting: 211(a)(end)
Church employee: 211(i)
Commodity dealer: 211(h)
Community income: 211(a)(5)
Death of partner: 211(f)
Definition: 211(a)
Earned income: 1612(a)(1)(B)
Capital gain or loss: 211(a)(3)
Church employee: 211(a)(11), (i)
Crop shares: 211(a)(1)
Dividends: 211(a)(2)
Health insurance costs: 211(a)(15)
Income tax alternative: 211(a)(11)
Indians: 211(a)(14)
Interest: 211(a)(2)
Limited partner: 211(a)(12)
Net operating loss: 211(a)(4)
Rentals from real estate: 211(a)(1)
Retired partner: 211(a)(9)
Income derived outside U.S.: 211(a)(10)
Interest; dealer in stocks and bonds: 211(a)(2)
Material participation: 211(a)(1)
Minister: 211(a)(7)
Options dealer: 211(h)
Partner; partnership; definition: 211(d)
Partnership income: 211(a)
Penalty; false statement or representation: 208(a)(1)
Possession of U.S.: 211(a)(8)
Puerto Rico resident: 211(a)(6)
Real estate dealer: 211(a)(1)
Religious order: 211(a)(7)
Reporting: 211(a)(end), (g)
Taxable year; definition: 211(e)
See Earnings
Exclusion from employment: 210(a)(14)
Trade or business exclusion: 211(c)(2)(A)
Age 18 or over; trade or business: 211(c)(2)(A)
Exclusion from employment: 210(a)(14)
Computation of primary insurance amount: 215(a)(7)(E)(ii)
Exclusion from wages: 209(a)(14)(A)
Federal medical assistance percentage: 1905(b)(2)
Payment: 1108(c)(4); 1603(a)(2)*; 1903(u)(4)
Physician; definition: 1163
numbers: 205(c)(2)(C)
State: 1101(a)(1)
Agency: 1816(j)
Agency other than HHS: 205(p); 1621(d)(2); 1631(f)
Attorney General: 202(n)(1)(A), (n)(2), (t)(1)(A), (t)(8), (u)(2)
Beneficiary or payee: 203(h)(1)(A); 205(a), (n), (q); 210(a)(8)(A); 1611(e)(3); 1631(d)(1), (e)
Carrier: 1842(l)(2)
Eligible organization: 1876(c)(3), (c)(8), (e)(2), (i)(1), (i)(3)
Hospital: 1866(a)(1)(N)
Hospital inpatient: 1154(e)(1)
JCAHO: 1865(a)(2)(B)
Organization: 1816(j)
Parent: 473(a)(4)
Railroad Retirement Board: 210(l)(4)(B); 226(d)
Review panel: 1153(d)(1)
Secretary HHS: 506(b)(3); 1004; 1116(a)(2); 1143; 1404; 1604*; 1613(d)(2)(B); 1631(n), (n); 1818(d)(3); 1819(g)(5); 1876(a)(1)(F); 1904; 1914(c)
Secretary of State: 210(a)(12)(B)
Secretary of Transportation: 205(p)
Secretary of Treasury: 232
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(d)(1)(B), (h)(6)
State or State agency: 205(r), (s); 471(a)(6), (a)(9); 476(b); 506(b)(1); 1602(a)(6)*; 1631(n), (n); 1819(g)(1)(C), (g)(5); 1919(e)(6), (g)(1)(C), (g)(5), (h)(2)(A), (h)(5); 2006
Aid to the aged, blind, and disabled: 1602(a)(6)*
Aid to the blind: 1002(a)(6)
Aliens: 202(n)(1)(A), (n)(2), (t)(1)(A), (t)(8); 208
Alimony: 459(d)
Appeal: 1153(d)(1)
Attorney: 1631(d)(2)(B)
Benefits: 1143
Check: 205(n)
Coverage: 205(p); 210(a)(8)(A), (a)(12)(B); 218(d)(3), (d)(7), (l)(2)
Disability: 208; 221(b)(2); 222(b); 223(d)(5); 225(a); 1631(c)(1)
Earnings: 203(h)(1)(A)
Earnings record: 205(c)(2)(A), (c)(5)(B); 1143
Information: 205(p); 232; 1137(a)(6)
Medical assistance: 1902(a)(41); 1914(c); 1915(c)(2)(E); 1925(a), (b)
Medicare: 1816(g)(2), (j); 1818(d)(3); 1866(d), (f)(3)
Nurse aide: 1919(g)(1)(C)
Nursing facility: 1919(d)(1)(B), (e)(6), (g)(5), (h)(2)(A)(i), (h)(5)
Old-age assistance: 2(a)(6)
Payment: 205(g)
Penalty: 1128A(h)
Provider: 1866(c)(2)
Representation: 206(c); 1631(d)(2)(B)
Rural health clinic: 1910(a)(2)
Self-employment: 205(c)(2)(A); 231(b)(3)
Skilled nursing facility: 1819(c)(1)(B), (c)(2)(B), (d)(1)(B), (h)(6)
Supplemental security income: 205(a), (r); 1611(e)(3); 1620(f); 1621(d)(2); 1631(d)(1), (e), (f)
System: 1903(r)(4)(A), (r)(6)(E)
Time: 203(h)(1)(A); 216(j)
Wages: 203(g), (h)(1)(A), (h)(3); 205(c)(2)(A), (p); 208; 231(b)(3)
Agency or official: 471(a)(9)
Agency (State or local): 473(a)(4); 1819(d)(1)(B), (h)(6); 1919(g)(5)
Beneficiary or payee: 205(b)(1), (g); 221(l); 459(d); 1131(a); 1137(c)(2); 1631(c)(1)
Carrier: 1842(b)(5)
Claimant: 205(b)(1); 206(c); 216(i)(2)(G); 1143; 1154(a)(14), (e)(3); 1156(b)(1), (b)(4); 1631(c)(1), (d)(2)(B); 1842(l)(2)
Claimant’s representative: 206(a)(1); 1631(d)(2)
Eligible organization: 1876(a)(1)(F), (i)(1)
Entity: 1128(f)
Hospital: 1154(e)(3); 1814(e)
Individual: 1128(f); 1816(j); 1876(c)(3)(G)
Managing Trustee: 205(n)
Medicare enrollee: 1842(h)(5); 1876(c)(3)(C), (c)(3)(D), (c)(3)(E), (c)(3)(G), (e)(2), (i)(3)
Nurse aide: 1819(g)(1)(C)
Nursing facility resident: 1919(c)(1)(B), (c)(2)(B), (c)(6)(B)(iii), (e)(6), (h)(2)(A)(i)
Organization: 1892(d)(3)
Person: 1128(f); 1128A(c)(2)
Physician: 1819(g)(5)(C); 1842(l)(2); 1919(g)(5)(C)
Plan: 1892(d)(3)
Practitioner: 1154(a)(14), (e)(3); 1156(b)(1); 1842(l)(2)
Provider: 1816(e)(3), (g)(2), (j); 1866(f)(2); 1892(d)(3)
Public: 1816(g)(2); 1818(d)(3); 1819(e)(2)(B), (g)(5); 1866(d); 1919(g)(5), (h)(2)(A)(I)
Renal dialysis facility: 1881(g)(2), (g)(3)
Secretary HHS: 202(u)(2); 203(g); 204(a); 205(a), (p), (r); 210(l)(4)(B); 215(h)(1); 217(f)(1); 223(d)(5); 224(e); 226(d); 231(b)(3); 232; 1153(d)(1); 1156(b)(1); 1611(e)(3)
Secretary of Treasury: 201(a)(3), (a)(4), (b)(1), (b)(2), (g)(1)(B); 210(a)(12)(B)
Skilled nursing facility resident: 1819(c)(1)(B), (c)(2)(B), (d)(1)(B)
State: 4; 205(r); 225(a); 303(b), (e)(3), (h); 443; 506(b)(3); 1004; 1116(a)(2); 1128A(h); 1404; 1604*; 1819(d)(1)(B), (h)(6); 1904; 1914(c)
Veterans Affairs, Department of: 217(b)(2)
Worker: 205(c)(5)(B), (c)(6)
Registered: 1861(m)(1)
Registered professional: 1861(dd)(1)(A), (ee)(2)(G)
Definition: 1819(b)(5)(F); 1919(b)(5)(F)
Misconduct: 1919(g)(1)(C)
Registry: 1819(e)(2)(C)
Training: 1819(b)(5), (f)(2); 1919(b)(5), (f)(2)
Definition: 1861(gg)(2)
Definition: 1861(aa)(5)
Certification: 1919(g)(1)(C)
Correction plan: 1919(c)(1)(A)(ix), (g)(5)(A), (h)
Definition: 1919(a)
Discharge: 1919(c)(2), (e)(7)(C)(ii), (e)(7)(C)(iii)
Disclosure; ownership or control: 126(a)
Enforcement remedies: 1919(h)(8)
Obligations: 1919(i)
Qualifications: 1902(a)(13)(A), (a)(28); 1919(c)(5)(B)(i), (e)(4)
Requirements: 1919(i)
Resident rights: 1919(c)
Standards: 1902(a)(9)(B), (a)(22)(B)
Training: 1903(a)(2)(B)
Transfer of resident: 1919(a)(2), (c)(2), (e)(3), (f)(3), (f)(5)(B), (h)(5)
Eligibility limitation: 1611(e)(1)(B)
* State-administered Title XVI